Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Why the Hate/Love regarding Trump?

I don't know if you noticed, but there is a dichotomy regarding the current american president.   There are people who think he's the worst, and there's nothing that he can do to make it better.  Then there's the people who think he's the best, and that everything he does is affirming their faith in him.

The problem with it, is due to perspective.  It is very hard to take one perspective and see the other perspective at the same time.  Maybe it's due to how polarizing he is, or maybe we have all become polarized, and are only capable of seeing one perspective.

On September 24th, 60 minutes had a segment debuting Oprah Winfrey talking to a focus group about this perspective problem.  If anything it shows the perspective divide even greater, by having people express what they believe regarding the president.

In my studies in college, I discovered that in a multiple reality scenario, that the existence of God or the non existence of God, is possible due to perspectives on reality.  It is possible due to the nature of multiple realities, that both possibilities exist.  That might not make sense to some people, but consider this.  Imagine there are realities that intermingle on this planet.  For some people, the reality has God as a very real being and influencing reality.  For other people, that reality is devoid of intelligent design and God really does not exist.

When we look at quantum realities, we know that our perception and beliefs are influencing how we see our reality.  So to understand the dichotomy, we must be able to transcend these realities, and see things from the other perspectives.

I realize how impossible that sounds, but I want to point out this fact that maybe what people are saying on each side is conceivably correct.  It also could be conceivably incorrect as well.  The question as to whether Trump is a good president can't be answered until after he has gone from office.  To predetermine his success is to place opinion before actions.  Even if you think vitriol or an enraptured state due to a tweet, means you are holding those opinions well in advance.

If you drop those opinions, then you have the greater difficulty of understanding why the hate/love exists.  If anything, you might think they are pointless messages.  However, because of his position in government, we weigh very heavily everything that is said, to the point of nitpicking.  Because those opinions are based in our core selves, we are influenced heavily in the meanderings of a man.  Not as much as a president, but as another talking head.  Nothing based in science, truth or even consensus should even matter.

But these things matter in a polarized reality.  You can see both sides, but invariably, you have to be a part of one of these realities.  How you choose to act on them, is purely yours.

As for the current craziness regarding the NFL and the national anthem, that's a discussion for another day.  Try seeing the perspectives on both sides based on what I just told you and maybe this is not as clear as it seems.  There is no right side, there is no wrong side.  You must know that the problem is a real one, and it takes a leader that can transcend the biases and address the problem entirely.  Unfortunately that does not exist.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Has humanity reached the critical tipping point for ascension?

I was talking with a friend and she said that she heard that humanity and consciousness reached 10,000.  Apparently that means everyone should have the understanding and awareness that they are conscious.

Here's the problem.  In my observation, people in general aren't awake and aware.  There are people who are awakening and becoming conscious, but the tipping point hasn't been met.  It would be more visible.

What we have is a divide.  A rift, if you will.  It is a separation of ideals.  However, that separation isn't a result of conscious, but rather a result of mind control.

The reason why I say this, is because mind control can only be identified when you approach full consciousness.

There are basically two things that define what is mind control:

1) Requirement to consume mental stimulation.

2) Separation of ideals, despite the basic needs that benefit us.

When it comes to mental stimulation, it's basically what we feed our brain.  Whether we read, watch or whatever, what we are doing is obtaining information and processing it.  When this information becomes passive, like watching movies and tv, or taking in a sporting event, the possibility for manipulation is possible.

The manipulation manifests in ways similar to techniques found in Sun Tsu's the art of war.  The basic one being 'divide and conqueror'.  The more control exists, the more the people become divided, and the more likely you are experiencing mind control.

As long as mind control exists, and people are pulled into it, then I cannot agree with the statement that humanity reached the tipping point.

Until then, we must wait and watch.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Problems with the Essene Gospel of Peace

I stumbled across some "ancient texts" which say the books called 'The Essene Gospel of Peace' are the actual words of Jesus.

However, there are a couple of problems I have with just the text of book 1.  The first promotes a full raw vegan lifestyle.  "God commanded your forefathers: 'Thou shalt not kill.' But their heart was hardened and they killed. Then Moses desired that at least they should not kill men, and he suffered them to kill beasts. And then the heart of your forefathers was hardened yet more, and they killed men and beasts likewise. But I do say to you: Kill neither men, nor beasts, nor yet the food which goes into your mouth. For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life, and from death comes always death. For everything which kills your foods, kills your bodies also. And everything which kills your bodies kills your souls also. And your bodies become what your foods are, even as your spirits, likewise, become what your thoughts are. Therefore, eat not anything which fire, or frost, or water has destroyed. For burned, frozen and rotted foods will burn, freeze and rot your body also. Be not like the foolish husbandman who sowed in his ground cooked, and frozen, and rotten seeds. And the autumn came, and his fields bore nothing. And great was his distress. But be like that husbandman who sowed in his field living seed, and whose field bore living ears of wheat, paying a hundredfold for the seeds which he planted. For I tell you truly, live only by the fire of life, and prepare not your foods with the fire of death, which kills your foods, your bodies and your souls also."

The second says that wheat is the most perfect food.  "...from the month of Sivan, eat wheat, the most perfect among all seed-bearing herbs."

The problem I have about eating meat, is that the body was designed to eat meat.  Our mouth and teeth are typical of an omnivore.  If we as a people were not meant to eat meat, then our teeth would more resemble a cow, meant more for grinding plant matter and such.  Secondly, the feeding of the masses was with bread and fish.  If fish is considered meat and that all meat is bad, then why would Jesus bother feeding that to the masses?

The other issue, that of wheat being the most perfect food.  Maybe this was the case during that time, but today, wheat is the opposite of perfect.  I experience digestion and health issues from eating modern day wheat.  If wheat was perfect, then why was it altered?  Why do we have 'enriched flour' in store bought bread?

So, why does this book defy modern day logic?  That's because the essenes were a gnostic sect.  In more esoteric terms, diet is important.  If you are trying to purify the body and raise your energy levels, then the gospel of peace is saying exactly that.  The body chemistry that results from eating raw vegan, reduces many maladies and changes the ph of the body to prevent disease.

However, the book skews toward the raw vegan lifestyle.  It ignores the nature of the human body and hopes you forget Jesus's other actions in the rest of the gospels.  It also makes the statement that if you eat meat, you're more likely to kill someone.  I don't know where that comes from, but in all of the food I have ever eaten, not once have I wanted to go out and injure anyone.

Even if there is validity to the text, without the esoteric aspect, the text is rather condemning of the nature of the creation of humanity.  Some mystics would say that there is a dichotomy in the nature of reality, which means we need to have that option.

Reality in my understanding exists in a state of balance.  Truly balanced existence would include the spectrum of dining options.  To truly experience what life has to offer, means taking a sense of moderation into all things we do.  That means that we have the ability to enjoy meat, but also to gain the benefits of vegetables, fruits and grains.

When it really comes down to it.  All decisions are ours to take.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Drinking the proverbial kool-aid

I love a good conspiracy theory.  I've been following them for years.  I've learned something that I call drinking the proverbial kool-aid.

'Drinking the kool-aid' goes back to the Jim Jones mass suicide where people drank the liquid laced with poison.  However, in my experience, anyone who buys into a theory so strongly, is doing exactly that.  They buy into a falsehood or a partial truth, as which all falsehoods are based, so much that it affects them in a negative manner.  I use the term proverbial, because it means that while you bought into it, it shouldn't have affected you to begin with.

With the Clinton v. Trump election, I can tell you that many people are experiencing this.  They've been experiencing it for months, and it may never ever go away.

So, the symptom of this is fear.  Now most fear is based in one's sense of mortality.  Fear can be helpful in this regard, because it gives us a sense of caution.  However, that's not the fear that I am talking about.

Instead it's a fear that things are going to be so wrong, that the world will be drastically changed forever and ruin whatever life you think you are living.  Unfortunately, this fear is a rather irrational one.  It's only purpose is to blind you from your perspective and your ability to see beyond the trivial.

In simpler terms, you have been fed a lie.  A lie that's designed to make you think in a certain direction and to experience an emotion that is baseless in regards to actual fact.

In many years of conspiracy theory, I drank the kool-aid many times.  It was only by separating myself from all of the information that the irrational thoughts and impending doom would eventually dissipate.

So let's look at the facts here.  Most people voted against things like hatred, racism, elitism, and sexism.  However, this is where the problem begins, because the information about those things changed depending on the source of the information, and those sources made it their job to force those items into their spotlights.  It got to the point where each candidate was blaming the sources where this came from.  You could call these two sources The Mainstream Media and the Alt Right, but this oversimplifies the issue.

To be properly objective, you have to cultivate information from multiple/many sources and have backing information to go with those sources.  You have to be able to acknowledge where the information came from and what it is saying.  To not take these things into consideration or to only cultivate from a single source is exactly what causes the proverbial kool-aid to take hold of you.

To say this is the first time that the masses have drank the proverbial kool-aid would be a lie.  We just experienced this in 2008 when many gun owners were in perpetual fear of the removal of the 2nd amendment and the rise of the police state underneath martial law.

Were the people wrong about it?  Well 8 years later and only 2 months left of the current administration, it appears to not be true.  "Yes, it's different this time", but yet, the fact that you drank the proverbial kool-aid remains the same.

If you are in fear, it's because you bought into the idea that things are just going to end up horribly and nothing will ever be the same.  But reality shows that there are themes that replicate in all parts of life.  Things change, some changes happen, but many remain the same.  We resist change, and that's understandable, but we do so out of the rational fears that we have.

We also know this.  Sometimes we lose, but other times we win.  Things usually work out in the end.

So, you must always look into your fears.  Why you have those fears is so important.  If you find that your fear is based in something that may be irrational, you must step back and reassess the current moment you are in.  Look to what is good in your life and work on that for awhile, and then come back to that fear you were having.  Chances are, that fear is gone and replaced with something else.  Hopefully it's found as a newfound strength, because when we confront our fears we should always find ourselves becoming stronger.

Whoever won this election really didn't matter in the biggest picture.  Each had their soul crushing flaws (sorry, but the real truth is they ALL had them), but unless you haven't paid attention to history or civics, you should know that things have a way of balancing themselves out.  That fear from the proverbial kool-aid will always be there, but until you realize that, it is nothing more than the irrational, feeding it.

It is like a cornered animal that gets aggressive and lashes back.  The best way to deal with this is to step back and move away from it.  Otherwise, it will still be there.

I trust that all things balance out, always.  It's the nature of the universe.  It's embodied in a term called entropy.  It's where I found the rational perspective.  It's why I can say that no matter what happens, things are going to be okay.

Unless you drank the proverbial kool-aid.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Why we should not be praying for peace.

Prayer is one of those things where I know most people do it incorrectly.  In prayer, you must realize that the resonance of key words is what determines outcomes.  It's as if you are looking at weight loss, when the key is weight, which means you resonate with weight.  It is as if you pray for someone with cancer, and their cancer gets worse.  In those cases you should be praying for health and fitness.

So in a recent episode of Game of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister made a statement about how you don't make peace with your friends, but rather with your enemies.

If we are to understand the resonance of peace, that means that we consider other people to be our enemies.  In other words, to pray for peace would mean that you pray for enemies.

Pray for friendship, pray for togetherness, or even pray for cooperation.  Just don't pray for peace.

The hippies got it wrong.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The happiness project

It started out as just an idea.  I was not happy with where I was working, what I was doing and a bunch of little things that made my job unbearable and I was looking to find a new job at that point.  However, life has a funny way of pointing things out to you that supposed to kick you into responding in a certain way.  It was when I took up the challenge for me to figure it out that I came up with an idea.

That idea was: What will it take for me to be happy?

Now it's a struggle for most of my life to understand it.  People would appear to change in their life that created this almost insane like happiness and I didn't understand the source of it.  In college, it was people converting to Christianity that when they did so, they were amazingly changed for the better.  However, my upbringing had me accepting it at a very young age.  I was missing some big moment.

A couple of months ago, I decided to actually do something about it.  That's when I remembered something that I have learned in the past 4 years.  That truth is that ALL things proceed as a result of choice.

So phase 1 was this:  What if I just chose to be happy?

So I started to run with it.  Startlingly, this works really, really well!  Instead of this gloomy work environment where people are just phoning in their work from day to day, the interactions started to improve.  I started to really enjoy what I was doing.  To top it off, someone said to me, this place just ain't the same when you aren't around.  They wanted me to be there, because work is so much more enjoyable.

I told the heads of the company about this, and they liked the idea.  They started applying it to their own lives.  Things continued to improve.

However, life is not without a sense of irony and things started to turn.  When life gets negative or chaotic, the problem exists and resolves by how you react to it.  If you choose to let it get to you, it festers and becomes worse and worse.  However, if you rise above the challenge, then you may find yourself in a much better place.  So, how do you handle it?

Phase 2:  Learn to laugh at the ridiculous.

So lately things were taking a turn and just driving my energy back to the ground and it wasn't just one thing, it was a lot of little things.  Those little things are going to drag you around like you're Gulliver on the island of Lilliput.  Eventually they are going to take over and once they do, you're trapped.

Now I like horror films, but not for the incessant need for violence or disturbing images.  Actually it's because all horror films are based out of a comedic concept.  And depending on how you view that concept determines whether you are scared or purely and happily entertained.  I was watching "The Cabin In The Woods" and there's a scene that is hilariously funny, which occurs in the film.  The scene plays like this:  The characters are all being picked off one by one, and stumble onto this elevator that takes them into this structure where every possible cataclysm is stored.  Once inside the facility they barricade themselves in a control room.  As they are approached by the building security, they find a button that says "Purge" and they press it.  What happens next is that several elevator doors open and different creatures jump out and proceed to disembowel and eviscerate the security team.  Another security team shows up to help, and then the elevators open again with even more creatures.

To me this is a hilarious moment in the film!  But it was pointing me to the fact that when things are just really serious and it's becoming almost combative in conflicts, the one thing we must remember is that it's actually really funny.

It's like what Metatron says in the movie dogma when Bethany asks what's God like.  "God?  Lonely.  But funny.  He's got a great sense of humor.  Take sex for example.  There's nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus."  To which Bethany replies, "Sex is a joke in heaven?" Then Metatron says, "The way I understand it, it's mostly a joke down here, too."

So as my happiness project enters phase 2, I thought it would be a good time to let people know what I have been up to and give them something to work on.  If I have learned anything over the years, it is that reality is shaped by how you perceive it.  Nothing else.  You choose to live in a way that makes you happy or not.  The people around you, if you consider that they are part of your mind, then a simple thing as changing your mind has the potential to make their lives better.

Choose happiness, learn to laugh at everything.  See how that works for you.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

What is wrong with political candidates? How do we get to "YES"?

In this recent election process for the president of the United States, there is a lot of anger, and frustration with the people put into the spotlight of candidacy.  A lot of solutions are presented, but they are not without their sense of control or entitlements, especially from the candidates themselves.

While I do not want to mention any of the names, the problems faced by the United States can be solved, but only by those willing to make a strong statement that says that they can solve them.  I am not wholly convinced this is possible with the current selection.

So here's what I would say if I was running a campaign for president.  Which I need to state on the record is something a normal person (especially myself) should not want.

First is that I would state that every decision that I would make would need to answer the following:  How do we get to "YES"?

Jobs and Immigration are key points to be made, because we are so possessive of the fragile state of employment.  We take what we can, in order to make enough to get by.  But what if that wasn't an issue?  What if we take this ball and run it as far as it can go.  First we must understand that some jobs that exist probably shouldn't be in existence anymore.  It's as if we fund things like the pony express when we have a currently functioning postal system.  What we should strive for as a nation is to create an environment that has more and more jobs than there are people.  We should make it clear that in order to be an employer here, that you should have citizens working for you and that those that aren't should want to become a proper citizen.

Next we should look at the impending problems dealing with healthcare.  What has been given to the public is a farce at best and an insult at its worst.  When I talk about jobs not being needed, what part of health requires insurance?  Is insurance the solution to worsening health problems?  No, that would be science and medicine.  We fail this nation, when we fail to realize the problem is not in the solution but in the source of the problem itself.  When we throw money at an issue, or in some cases medicine, we don't realize the source of the problem.  We look at the conditions and then try to treat the condition, while ignoring the source of the problem.  While our elected leaders fail to recognize this time and time again, we are faced with the ever impending gloom that the source of our problems are not being addressed.

That goes without saying that it applies to all areas of this country.

As far as this country goes, the way we have been handling issues also applies to where we have picked our battle grounds.  We chose to wage a war on things we don't understand, drugs, terrorism, and even the frustrations of the inner city.  Instead of addressing the source of the issues, we have opted quite badly to treat the conditions.  In medical terms it would be like saying that the best solution to a fever is a topical cooling ointment because that will lower the temperature.  It's insane to make those kinds of statements, because we fail everyone when we don't treat the underlying cause.

We decided to incriminate many of the inner city, because of the violence that exists, but where does that come from.  I don't have a solution for this, because I don't understand the mindset that propels someone to resort to this measure, but if the issue is that people have become distraught because of worsening employment, wouldn't the answer be to foster the addition of more and more jobs?  It's a literal question of what would need to exist for people to become happy to be doing a job?

Now the drug war is something that was spawned in the past century, but this war fails us on so many levels.  You have tunnels dug underneath the border to this country, you have war torn Afghanistan being the growing fields for opium, and you have a policy that closely resembles the prohibition laws of years ago.  Those things don't work.  Instead they cause worse things to happen.

Take an example of marijuana.  In most of the nation and in the federal view, this substance is considered as bad as any other illegal drug on the market.  Some people even claim that this substance is a gateway to other drugs.  The real problem with it is this.  When you take something away that instead of giving the people the option of deciding its dangers, what you leave in its place is a vacuum of sorts, that fosters the sort of options that are even worse than the original problem.  Where else would crystal meth have come from?  What about heroin?

People are looking for ways to have to deal with some of the pain that is a part of life on this planet.  When the prohibition laws were made, people resorted to making alcohol for themselves, which gave rise to the underground moonshiners.  But here's the thing we should take from that:  We need to acknowledge that when we just take something away, we don't look at the reason for why it is still there. Nor do we realize that something must take its place.

Which leads me to the elephant in America.  It's guns.  We have so much fear and pain, that we desperately hold onto whatever can keep us from losing our minds altogether.  The solution is to not restrict guns, but to figure out how we can make it so that if you have a gun, you'll never need to have it on you.  It's part trust, which is readily apparent that our representative law makers do not have in the people.  It come down to a really simple question, why do we lock our doors?  We need to get to a point where you can hand someone a gun and their reply should be "I don't need this."

There is more good in this country than we can know, but unless we learn that protesting, violence, thievery, or even hatred toward one another is not the solution, then we can get to the part that we know we can disagree but move forward.  We can then change a punch to a face into a handshake or a hug.  We can assist others when they are in need.  We truly need to understand one another.  We can be a country that not only says it's a great country, but one that people acknowledge IS a really great country.

So, how do we get to say "YES", so that this country can be better?

How do we take it to another level, to say this whole world can be better?