Friday, January 23, 2009

Which is more important faith or spirituality?

Quite a question, if I do say so myself. Can we tell the difference? Is there one? Or is one a decision and another a way of life?

I think the problem stems from how do we become spiritual, isn't that first a matter of faith?

And where does the science fit into this equation? How can we tell if there is some scientific method to prove either faith or spirituality, when neither is definable through science.

Maybe science is the search for something more. If that's the case then is science a matter of faith or spirituality?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Out of Print: Technically, is it illegal to download?

The album was called 'Tales to Warm Your Mind' by the irish rovers. We had the record when I was very young, and I listened to it all the time. I actually still have the record, but due to time and how many times I played it as a child, the record is pretty much unplayable now.

The songs hold a lot of memories, and so I ventured a search in the internet that spanned years. Hoping that I would be able to get a playable version of this musical gem.

Problem: The album is over 30 years old. It's totally out of print.

With great reluctance I picked up a bit torrent reader and to my suprise, there was a download of the entire discography of the irish rovers. I just wanted the one album. I picked up their CD 'The Unicorn' and it just didn't do it for me.

So it begs a question about those out of print albums. What do you do if you can't find it? Is it legal to download if technically it doesn't exist in the retail market?

If you want to look at the problems with the music industry and copyright laws, look at the out of print material. Take a look at music that you just can't find unless you get it as a download.

Until someone figures that out, I will continue to enjoy the melodies in "Mrs Crandall's Boardinghouse".

Sunday, January 11, 2009

How easy is Christianity?

All it requires is you believe that it happened.

That a man was sent by God (or whatever you conception of a supreme being is) and said that he is the son of god and that when he dies, that all of the bad things that you do (in your self-centered behavior, which is what people do by their own nature) is paid for and your soul can be clean.

Accept the guy was real.
Accept the guy died.
Accept that act of death will cleanse your soul.

And to prove it worked and your souls can be cleansed, the guy came back to life.

To require anything more would undermine the whole effort. It's just too simple, and that's the point.

If you don't think it's true, then you need to read some accounts from people at that period of time, and I am NOT talking about the bible.

What is the point with toll roads

I guess part of me understands that the money goes to paying for the road, but isn't the point that it gets paid off?

It's a monster that can't be fed. I don't see toll roads going away any time soon.

Football is just a modern form of gladiator sport

Look at the masses and how they turn out in such large numbers to watch these armor clad, muscle laden men fight each other from one end of the arena to another.

When it's played indoors it's even called "arena" football.

It's totally right out of the movie gladiator and yet it's so modernized.

Makes one wonder what the politicians are up to.

Watchmen isn't about superheroes.

It's about the common comic book reader and how insane they truly are. It's a horrible book that is more a commentary rather than this all-hailed novel of brilliance. Shame on everyone who thinks that this is all that great. Your blindness has only made the truth just that more painful.

Rorshack - The budget comic book fan. He lives in his own couple of books and speaks the loudest about how things should be run. His voice is one of complete insanity because he doesn't live in either world.

Night Owl - He's the comic book collector that has kept his collection since he was young and it's just gotten dusty. What has he done with his life? Not a whole lot.

Silk Spectre - The comic book guy's girlfriend. She doesn't want to be involved.

Ozymandias - The rich guy who basically owns everything. The most insane of us all. It's a comment on the people making comics. They make change when it isn't needed. And get rid of your favorite character or concept when it's convenient to do so.

The Comedian - The casual reader. The only way out of the comics world is to basically kill yourself. It's a no win situation and you just haven't noticed yet. Perfectly named, as comics are sometimes known as the "funny papers".

Dr. Manhattan - This is obviously the writer of the book spewing his problems with the universe he's been working within. He's the only one with the powers and can create reality to bend to his will. He also refuses to change the way things are going on.

So what happens? Kill the casual reader because he "doesn't get it"(?!? maybe he does), generate interest with the fans who can barely afford all those issues of superman/batman/spiderman that come out every month, put him in jail because they're probably downloading their books anyway, request help from the impotent reader and his "girlfriend" (as that's the only way he's going to get off). Then go after the guy who's running everything and realize it's pointless, because the guy really is running things.

So which character represents you? I used to be the "Night Owl" character and then had a little epiphany. I am now "The Comedian". I had to pretty much kill myself to realize what's gone on with comic books. There is no other way out.

It'll be a whole lot easier when you finally realize everything I am saying here is correct.

Emo is basically a retarted form of goth.

I've heard the music and it really does suck. At least goth music was original and unique. It didn't try to be something else, which is exactly what emo music is. Well, shoegazer rock comes to mind, but at least shoegazer rock is a little more entertaining.

In my gothiest days, even I was not gothic enough to be even considered as slightly goth.

And no matter how much you think it's true, guys do not look good with eye makeup... ever!