Seriously, what is it?
So my sister-in-law does irish dance and watching about an hour of it, I have only one thing I learned about irish dance.
I don't know what it is.
Is it ballet? Well, it kinda is, but not really. It looks like some kind of hopping ballet, but that's not exactly it.
Then is it tap? Well, sometimes, but it looks like some kind of clogging, but that's not really it either. Lots of hopping there as well.
It looks kind of goofy.
Costume wise, it looks like a modified ballet tutu, but that's not exactly right either.
Some of the costumes look like some kind of armor. Imagine being in the middle ages coming across a castle, and you're met by guards wearing that kind of armor. Must work by causing the enemy to laugh themselves into submission.
Then there's the hair pieces. The overly curly things that leaves anyone thinking: "dear god, what is that!"
Maybe there is a reason behind it all, or a reason for it, but I sure can't find it.
Must be because I am not irish, I can't dance to save my life or maybe because I just don't get it.
Which I don't.
So I pose the question to my sister-in-law who does irish dance, "what is irish dance?" She doesn't know either.