Friday, August 21, 2009

What is the problem with healthcare?

It's the healthcare, not the insurance companies.

Think about it, if we weren't being told to take a whole plethora of drugs and instead was given an alternative (possibly cheaper) therapy, shouldn't we be doing that?

Drug therapy is expensive and I think it's one of the main reasons why the whole system is failing. It doesn't help when you have the government playing into the hands of pharmaceutical companies.

You have the FDA doing everything possible to side with big drugs! What is wrong with this picture?

We're arguing about who is paying what, but the real question is why we aren't addressing the real problem: "why are we paying for A and B, when we should be getting X and Y?"

Yes, doctors are supposed to be more educated and know this stuff, but it's apparent (at least in my experience) that doctors seem to get their information from the same source... big drug companies.

Do I need a flu shot? No! So why am I being told that I should? I haven't been sick in over a year. I don't need a freaking flu shot.

Do I need cholesterol medication? No! There's no direct correlation between cholesterol and heart disease, except that you can't treat heart disease but you can treat cholesterol. If plaque buildup was a problem, how come we don't have a drug to deal with plaque on our teeth then?

I am currently trying to rid myself of an excess of Candida Albicans yeast in my intestinal tract, because of an OVERUSE OF ANTIBIOTICS. The current medical treatment is largly ineffective, because it only treats the symptoms of Candida overgrowth rather than addressing the problem. Truthfully, I should have never had to take my own approach to the problem. It first should have never happened (we can't be taking antibiotics every sign of sniffle) and secondly I shouldn't have to seek an alternative therapy just to get rid of the problem.

What is the medical community doing to progress medicine? I have no idea, but they should be ashamed if they don't.

If the nation as a whole was healthy, then doctors would have the luxury to do research. Fact is we're not. We are so unhealthy it's literally like a typhoid mary of generalized symptoms. I partially blame the FDA but I equally blame the Department of Agriculture. The FDA isn't progressing healthcare, they're putting it into a little box and putting a drug label on it. The Dept of Agriculture is then telling us how we should eat. (It's like having a pig farmer say that you need to have more pork and pig's milk in your diet.)

So what happened to the surgeon general? Is the position that irrelevant because no one will listen to a doctor anymore?

I stopped believing that doctors knew what they were doing when a doctor put me on a cholesterol drug and then wouldn't take me off of it, even though it was causing me to have liver damage!!! That was years ago and I am still pissed about it.

Follow that up with a sudden case of vertigo I had. I ended up with a half hour session of the room spinning. We went to an immediate care clinic, where the doctor there put me on sudafed and dramamine. I had a sinus infection and my blood pressure was high. Yeah, SUDAFED and HBP!!! Still think the system works?

So while the whole nation argues about nationalized healthcare, the real issue is just not addressed. The quality of healthcare. It freaking sucks. Especially in Illinois, where you might have to wait several weeks just to see a doctor.