Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A dream brought by a well known demon... and lady gaga too?!?

So I am having this dream and it's quite unusual. Towards the end of it, this guy takes another guy throws him down on the ground and proceeds to chop off his hand before grabbing a sledge hammer and swinging it over his head into the guy's back side.

Yeah, it's an extreme visual and quite graphic. Which only led me to believe that it wasn't me. I think I was slightly put off by it, and it was in my head.

To me, that is usually what signals me either out of the dream state or into a lucid dreaming state.

Anyway, when I encounter thoughts like this, the current thing I do is in my head say "Hello! Who is there?". If something is present, I either get a response or a blue circle in my vision.

Well, I got both. I got the circle first and then I got a name. It's a fairly common name, 3 syllables, starts with "B" and ends in "met".

I asked "show yourself", and to my surprise in my mind's eye, I saw the image of it. If you can figure out the name you'll more than likely find a picture of it. Anyway, the image I got had the creature in browns and reds and was kind of a profile view with its right leg leading toward me.

The conversation continued briefly as I said in my mind "You're not supposed to be here."

To which it's reply was "I know."

I assume at that point he left.

I was doing a little research about the dream vision and the creature when I came upon a story about pop artist Lady Gaga. Apparently she had a similar dream encounter where someone had their hand(s?) cut off. Her dream involved a creature by the same name.

Crazily enough, the dream is also a symbol of something related to the "illuminati".

I use quotes for the supposed cultish group, because I think it's a way for someone to feel like they are bigger or better than they really are.

The conspiracy wonks out there attribute the group to mind control tactics, which only leads me to the opinion that whoever it is, can only be of the lowest quality human. Otherwise why would you need to puff yourself up in that way.

Do I think there's anything to this? It doesn't matter. It's purely just coincidence. By that, I do mean it's coinciding by concept with something similar.

I would like to think there was some greater meaning to having such a dream or visitation, but I am not that deluded. Showing up in my dreams and twisting them to a different perspective is a good way to piss me off. I don't care if it's some kind of friendly or invited "guest", I don't appreciate being manipulated or toyed with.

Maybe this will serve as warning.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Vibram Five Fingers - Snugness

I finally got a pair of vibram sprint model shoes (in black). At first I thought they were the knock off, but I am fairly sure I got legit versions of the shoe.

Anyway, I thought they were knockoff because they were really tight in the toes! Yeah, it turns out that tight fit on the toes is pretty much standard.

Here's the thing. The shoe stretches after wearing it for a long (and I really mean long) while. The shoe needs to have a tight fit in order to stay properly on the foot. The shoe is basically a coating for the bottom of your foot, so it's basically a think skin layer with fabric support.

Anyway, I have learned some things about the tightness and fit of the shoe.

First is that you are not ready for how tight these shoes are when new out of the box. I mean it's really freaking tight. You might be able to wear them for an hour and that's about it. The next day it'll be two hours and you're going to have sore toes. Bear with them for a couple more days at this rate.

After the first week, I ended up wearing them outside in the rain. This caused them to loosen up a lot, so as they dried, I used that opportunity to stretch the toe pockets a bit more.

Even weeks later the shoe is quite snug, but it's not really tight. I've worn them all day.

I think the only problem I have now with the shoes is that the sprints look like I am wearing mary jane style shoes.

Yeah, forget the part where I have shoes with toes.

My older pair, are now too big. Seriously, the shoe is now loose on my feet. They are comfortable for just lounging in or doing some simple housework, but they're probably past the point where I can go for walks in them.

Knowing this, I have really relied on my newer sprints. I wear them almost all the time now and are my shoe of choice when I am going to be walking or whatever.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lemp Mansion - The Third Face.

So I was looking again at the picture I analyzed at Lemp Mansion.


I think that's when I saw what my brother was talking about. He said he saw a 3rd face. Today I found the 3rd face!


It looks to me to be someone with long dark hair so that's what I outlined on the marked up graphic.


Anyway, take it for what you will. Here is the original post.

Also I apologize for my sloppy art skills. I don't really have any.