Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do creepy people become ghosts?

I was thinking about this.

Take your pedophile or peeping tom or sexual pervert. These are an example of the scum of life. Now imagine that they die and instead of going to heaven or hell that they just get stuck. Basically that they are a ghost.

So they're running around doing what they did before without having anyone stop them or notice that they're doing really sick stuff?

Supposedly ghosts watch you all the time. They watch what you're doing when you're seemingly all alone.

Does anyone else find this a little more than just creepy?

What about the uncle or grandparent that was a closet perv? Is that now available to them without a check and balance in the "in-between"?

Supposedly loved ones want to visit us, but in the world we currently live in, there are expectations and rules which we live by, because there's a taboo or line that we just don't cross.

Apparently this is not the case in the spirit world. They visit at all times, hang around for very long periods, and don't let us know that they are there.

Well, that's assuming that we're unable to tell when a spirit is near. I am not altogether convinced that we're not able to detect spirits. That goes back to what I was saying about the "filter".

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lifeless Chicago

Lifeless Chicago is the name of a twitter book I am writing.

I am just getting started in the real time twitter adventure/horror. I am partially inspired by the AMC show "The Walking Dead", but also I am wanting to put a new spin on the traditional interpretations of the bible. The book of matthew has one of my favorite moments in the time just after jesus dies. The dead rise up out of their graves and go into the town.

Are the dead the zombie types? Are they a sign of something to come? Well, you'll just have to follow and find out!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The filter still persists

There is a filter in a brain. Most everyone has it. There are some people that do not.

The veil is definitely in the brain. It's the veil that separates what is easily seen and what isn't seen. It's also in regards to pattern recognition.

When it comes to pattern recognition, you see something, recognize it and your brain just throws it out as being already seen. If you have ever said "that person looks like...", then you're doing pattern recognition.

Autism has a problem with the filter when it comes to stuff like recognition and other things. It's said that when it comes to the puzzle where two pictures look exactly alike and that there are subtle differences, most people find it a bit of a challenge. The autistic person will have those difference come immediately out and see those items instantly.

So when you see these autistic people (and not being an expert on autism, I will defer if this is incorrect) and they are unable to function, there must be some level of the filter that isn't working for them. To them there is no filter. That means every noise comes across as being equally important. Meaning the more sources the noise, the more confusion exists.

Everyone that's normal wouldn't see that as a problem. They filter out things and can concentrate only on one source.

I have some kind of auditory processing problem myself, so in crowded rooms, it sounds like just a bunch of discordant noise. I have trouble isolating a voice due to the overwhelming noise. In a way, I have a bit of a problem with filtering those things out. I know how it feels.

Now, take it to the other end. There's a story where a native was looking at columbus' ships and couldn't see them. Eventually, he noticed the way the waves hit something in the water and saw the ripples emanating from the location. Eventually deduced that there was something there in the water.

Only after then did the native see the ships.

In that case the filter threw that information out even though it was completely new and unknown.

Take natural psychic mediums as a contrast. Here are people who can see the unknown as if it's completely known. So what's going on with their filter? Is it like the autistic who can't filter at all? Or is it a selected filter?

It is like my auditory processing? I don't easily recognize visual differences.

There's a point that I am leading to and it's in regard to an open mind. The older you are the more likely you are to be more and more rigid in your mental processing. So when it comes to being like the native and seeing something new, your filter gets in the way.

And as you try harder and harder to see the truth of what's really there...
The filter still persists.