Thursday, December 30, 2010

Shadows over Indianola Iowa

Visiting family in Indianola for the holidays, I did not sleep well both nights I was there.

The first night I woke up to what I perceived was a large shadowy figure looking over me. Perhaps it was just watching, perhaps it was praying.

I was just waking, so I don't know for sure if it was really there or not. In any event, if I am waken up suddenly, it's usually for something affecting me externally. By nature I don't wake up suddenly.

The second night I was waken by a dream. I perceive this was a direct attack by the shadow from the previous night. There was no facial forms that I could tell, but it happens so quickly, that I could get a bearing first. If I did, then I could have responded and dealt with whatever it was.

The dream was that I was working with bruce wayne. This was DEFINITELY just a dream, however, I found myself in the living room of my parents house (where I was staying) when I heard knocking on the front door. Someone opened the door and bursting through the door was the shadow. It shot directly toward me and stated "what are you doing here!"

I perceive this as a psychic attack due to the fact that I woke up immediately.

I don't think this was a being that resided in my parents house. On the other hand, there's a lot of circumstantial evidence that would suggest there is a dark presence that exists over the whole town.

If there is such a presence and that it would want to maintain its foothold over a town like Indianola, then it would confront and try to remove anyone who would be capable of removing the presence. It's possible I could do it, but I would have to be lucky more than anything.

I consider myself only to be slightly psychic. That is that I have a fairly good intuitive sense, I sometimes know things before they happen, and I have what some people consider as a rudimentary clairaudient skill. (i.e. I have an intelligent ringing in my ears.)

I would say that I am unrefined in any mental skill. My life has dwelt on the logic and scientific. To advance any mental skill would be to toss aside logic in favor of a more esoteric view. Unfortunately a logical approach is all I am capable of at this time.

I know there are many stories that come from the town, but my understanding is that someone opened a portal to the spirit world on the south side of town and never closed it. Such a portal would have to be open for a very long time to affect the town in the manner that it currently does. The town is much too small for the pure quantity of coincidences that suggest an evil presence. One could blame the lack of response by the churches in the area, but there are so many, one begins to wonder.

Indianola was once known as the "holy city" because of it's stance at one time where alcohol was not allowed where everywhere else did allow it. If the presence is one of a truly evil nature, this reputation only encourages such behavior.

Indianola is not without its share of ghosts and ghost stories. The most famous is the ghost in one of the buildings on simpson college's campus.

Another story is that a ghost hunting group did an investigation and one of the investigators had a heart attack.

Is it for real? I am pretty sure that it is.

Pray for Indianola. It needs it.

You're professionals! Fix it!!!

Just lashing out for a second. Ghost Lab really irritates me at times. Maybe it's how it is edited so that brad is always provoking with a strong voice, or maybe it's their use of tech.

Don't get me started about how ridiculous the video display is just flaunting the fact that they have too much money. What really burns me is the "head cam".

The head camera is a small lipstick camera that is infrared enabled and fits on the ear. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but with any piece of technology it is how you use it and that you know how to set it up.

OMG! They do not know how to set that camera up for brad's head. Does that guy always stare at the ceiling? Probably not. If anything he looks down his nose with his head slightly back. That means that the camera needs to come DOWN.

Every time you see that fricking camera shot, it's ALWAYS showing the ceiling.

You want to be on TV and not be considered a hack, then FIX IT NOW!!!

I do have a little issue with the use of infrared cameras. Actually, I don't get it. The only reason why you'd need to use infrared is to see the world around you when it's all completely dark. In some cases you can actually see a spirit, but if you see the results of other technology, then you'd know that infrared is about as useful as a regular camera. When you get into full spectrum, ultraviolet or even thermal, you run a better chance of catching something.

Maybe I am playing percentages, but usually the best evidence is not from an IR camera.

I suppose that if you're on TV then you want to show your face, but about half of the ghost hunters on tv aren't people that I want to know about.

Now I've probably said this a million times, but what's the point of ghost hunting if after all is said and done that all you got is "yes, you got ghosts" or "no, we didn't find your ghosts". What's the point? What's the goal? What comes next?