Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Psychic Breakthroughs?

For awhile I have been trying to decipher and filter the random messages and thoughts in my head. I'm hoping that I can finally reach a communication level within myself so I can have a legitimate conversation and figure out what's my deal. Why I am where I am, and maybe get some sense of direction. I feel like life runs in many different directions and I am just not able to decide which way to go.

Well, that's not really it, but if I could form better words for what I mean, I would do that.

Shut up.

Anyway, the result I found as a part of my journey, was not that much better.

I'll explain. (the names are completely omitted)

I was reading some posts on facebook this morning and came across one where someone had to run to the emergency room for reasons I am not altogether sure of. In the instant I finished reading about it, and image flashed into my vision. I was a treasure chest from the zuma blitz game.

It was at that point I understood that it was a message and the message was precise. I receive messages in metaphor. The problem the person was having was in their "chest"!

So I had to confirm whether this was true. So I went back through previous posts and sure enough, there was a surgery a couple of weeks ago in the chest area.

I had toyed with the idea of remotely viewing people's chakra's as a way of answering the question "what's wrong with them!" It's weird, because I imagine some animal coming in and out of these colored pools along the body (not sure if it's a bird or a dolphin). If there's some kind of chakra blockage, the animal can't go into the pool (it's more like a trampoline), if the chakra's too wide it looks more like an ocean that a little circular pool.

This metaphorical image was something else entirely. First off, it was unsolicited. Mind you, the curious mind wanted to know, but I was okay if I didn't. Secondly, I was able to identify what it was. A lot of the mucky gunk in my head is random lights and odd patterns. None of which seem to have a specific purpose as far as I can tell.

I have been able to note at least 3 colors that pop up occasionally. (sometimes in the dark of night) The first one is blue. Blue seems to be some kind of greeting.
The second one appears to be silver. This one actually lays in a direction I need to go or a specific pointing out of something significant. The 3rd is a kind of orange or red. This one seems to be a congratulatory message. The orange doesn't happen much.

I've been very careful in looking at such items with a heaping load of "not sure". Maybe I did see the random color or maybe it's just a after-image. In trying to isolate and see bio-energy/halos in others, I find that many times I do get an after image instead of the aura. The way you tell there, is that you gotta move your head or have them move. An after image will stay in place, a true aura will stay with the object.

On a separate note, I found that the reiki attunement process heightens the ability to see auras, but in the same manner it's easier to see after images as well.

Anyway, it's something I have yet to meditate further upon.