I had recently been told that this idea I was working on was a good idea. I have been calling it the book of desires until most recently that I found out that it is also the book of destiny.
The whole thing stems from the concept of the "Law of Attraction". This is one of the most guiding laws guarding the spiritual reality we live in. Since learning about that law, I have identified at least 5 of these laws. We will address two of the other laws. That being "The Law of One" and the "Law of Letting Go".
The law of one talks about the interactivity between all of humanity. Scientists call it quantum entanglement. The bible calls humanity the children of God. To put it simply, we can see ourselves as Creators as we come from the Creator. It's just as if you get a glass of water from the faucet and instead of seeing it as a glass of water that you recognize it as coming from the ocean.
The law of attraction says that as a creator, the thoughts that you put into your existence eventually becomes reality. The law of letting go is that your thoughts will manifest much more easily when you accept that this is the reality you are creating.
I have developed a way to accomplish these things with a set of simple steps. If this seems too impossible, I only point back to the law of letting go and the practical application that says "just go with it".
1) To begin, you will need a spiral notebook. Any simple notebook will do. You need to be able to write on the cover and be able to tear pages from the book.
2) On the cover you write the following:
Write it with a huge sharpie. Underline every word. Write it as deliberately as possible so that every time you look at the book you see these words as clear as possible.
3) Underneath it, write your name. As large as you want.
4) On the inside write:
It's not a question mark, because it's a demand. Demand only what you are desiring. Underline those words as well.
These are the only requirements to begin.
Once you can say you have a heart of Gladness and Gratitude, then you can open the book. Read the demand asking for your heart's desire.
Then on the first page, 5) write what your desire is.
Is it to lose weight? Is it for money? Is it a job? Write it down.
I do want to point out that how you say it is very important. One thing the law of attraction does not recognize is negatives. So by saying you want to "lose weight", you send out the idea of "weight". Instead think of being "thin". This is a more accurate state of where you want to be, because once the idea is manifested, what you are, is "thin" and not containing "weight". Don't say debt, say affluence.
Secondly, it helps to be specific. You want money, how much? You want a car, what color is it? What make, model, mileage?
You have the entire page (front and back) to detail this.
If you have other desires, place them in there as well. Each one gets their own page.
I should note that wanting something is not the same thing as desiring it. Sometimes manifesting a want for something only gives you the desire to "want". That's not the same thing as actually having it.
This is similar to a dream board, but I do say, that the book is really up to you. You have a cutout picture you want to go in there, do it! You are the creator here, and it's up to you to place what you want on your intention.
If ever your desire manifest then feel free to remove the page. Just tear it out.
I thought that by placing your desires in the book that it would be called the book of desires. That may be true, but it's what the intended goal, that really is what the book is about. So by creating and manifesting desires, you have created a book that details your destiny. It's where you are going. It is what you desire.
Now the book will take time to go from desire to manifestation. Think of it like planting a seed. You rarely will see a seed germinate immediately.
And just like planting a seed, just having a seed isn't the same as planting it. By placing your desires into the book, trust that it will manifest and it will manifest on its own. Occasionally a desire may need you to perform an action. This should happen as a course of natural progress.
Take the "thin" intention. Maybe you have a strong urge to take a walk. Well, then that's exactly what you do. Maybe it causes you to not get the large steak or burger the next time at the restaurant, but it's rather that the salad just screams out at you. It's like a roller coaster that all you have to do is get on it. You can't steer it, you just gotta let go and follow the ride as it tosses you from one turn to another.
Occasionally you'll look at the book. Once in the right place in your heart, you can look at your intentions. See how it is going. See where you are in relation to your original intention.
The book is yours. You can share it or not. You are the creator here.
Be realistic. If you desire a million dollars, know why you need all of that money. Sometimes it is more realistic to have enough to eliminate all of your debts.
If you have doubts, start with something that would seem more achievable. And by all means, be patient. There's more than enough time for the things to manifest. As long as you have the heart of Gladness and Gratitude, you will find the manifestations happening faster and faster.
With the things coming true, take that moment to laugh at that doubt you used to have and how it is replaced with the joy that sits at the root of your desires.
The book is a tool to help with understanding of who we really are. Once we know who we are, we are liberated enough to experience the rapturous bliss that is the ecstatic existence in which we are living.
And then laugh again, because that's how good you feel.