Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Can you hear the bells a-ringing?

I was wandering around the web and found this video on youtube.  I have said to a lot of people that I have an intelligent ringing in my ears.  This guy pretty much explains what it is.  It's actually nothing new to me.

Whether it is alien or spirits, the problem I find is reaching a connection in my conscious physical state.  Maybe if I watch more of his videos, I'll find out what he means by "meditation".  I know there are as many ways to meditate as there are leaves on the tree.  

It gives me something to think about. I thought I would share.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Does the universe have a programming glitch?

Recently, it was determined that 1) the so called "junk dna" is actually not junk but some kind of programmed code.  It is so mind bogglingly bizarre to find, that when athiests look at the data the conclusion is somewhat indicative of intelligent design.  2) It was also recently determined that the universe is not as tangible as we believe.  Instead it is a hologram.  By observing certain particles and how they interact in the universe, the conclusion is that we live in an elaborate hologram.

Of course if you saw the movie "what the bleep..." you already knew about the hologram bit.

So the issue at hand is that it appears that everything we are and everything we experience is all part of some kind of programmed matrix.

Yeah, who didn't see the matrix.

I think I have stumbled onto a programming glitch however that can be manipulated and experienced by those with the resources and abilities to access it.

The issue has to do with reflection.  Not introspective analysis, mind you, but reflective surfaces and the images they present.  It also has to do with the paranormal.

Mirrors have been used for paranormal means for centuries.  The oracles of delphi and nostradamus are two that used mirrors for what they did.  Today, there's things like the scrying, devil's toybox and the psychomanteum, which are based off of old ideas of using reflection to access the intangible and unseen.

I postulate that these techniques weren't really supposed to work the way they do, and it is a result of programming error that these reflections are producing the results that they are.

The issue about programming has to do with a technique called recursive calls.  In this case, the reflection is a recursive call to invert an image and play it back.  That should be easy, but as most programmers will know, that the more nested a recursive call is, the more likely it is to produce unpredictable results.

So take the situation of two mirrors that face opposite each other and you are standing in the middle.  What happens?  Well there's the reflection back and forth, but as it gets more and more the image appears darker.  Maybe this is a degradation of the image as a result of the mirror, but it also suggests that there is a signal issue inherent in the reflective interface.

The psychomanteum as well as "black mirrors" totally takes advantage of this defect and it breaks something.  The break is in the "veil" that separates the spirits from the actual physical world. 

In black mirrors it creates a situation where images and faces appear and may refer to past or future events.

The psychomanteum goes one step further in it's null field reflection as you stare into the inky nothingness.  The success rate as noted by Dr. Raymond Moody is staggering.  What's reported from the psychomanteum is basically a complete removal of the veil and people reporting full interactions with a deceased person.  Sometimes this interaction appears days after the use of the psychomanteum.

Yeah, that sounds like something is broken.

So the latest device is something called the Illuminator or VRIC imaging.  I won't try to explain it.  Just go here:  http://www.supercoherence7thsense.com/vric-imaging to see what that's about.  It was also discussed on the March 1st episode of "Whitley Streiber's Dreamland".

In looking at that, it seems like the glitch is a bit more definable and is a combination of light and reflection.

It's also got to be a glitch.  I don't know how else to explain why those things work, except it looks like an exploit of bad programming code.  As a programmer, I know bad code.  It's half of what I do.  I can tell you as a programmer, this looks like bad code.