I'm in a venting mood today. Mainly because I have seen a lot of blogs/websites that post on websites and facebook with the idea that "I'm an expert, and I am going to tell you my opinions as if they are fact."
Well ain't that fancy. Someone gave you a microphone and allowed you to stand on a stage where everyone can see you and you spew some dribble that is either unoriginal, completely opinion based or just a personal story to boost yourself.
So just to let you get some background. I've been doing psychic work on reddit.com for free. I signed up to be a free reader on the psychic subreddit and I AM one of the readers on the right side of the page. Guess which one I am, and you too can get a free reading from me.
There have been a couple of people posting stuff from their blogs or websites. There are two in particular. One is a guy who's trying to process his psychic experiences while promoting his readings, while another is a lady who is just promoting her website for getting more readings.
So what I have been doing is commenting on their posts. The guy, told his story and making it sound like this is how reality is. I took to contesting one of the contents and said that what he was saying was a matter of interpretation (not fact) and that I sited some instances where the opposite could also be true. I don't think he took it too well.
The lady however, posted some rather incorrect statements about psychics. Basically the statement I contested was that anyone who is really psychic will not give you a reading for free. I was offended by the comment, because I AM doing exactly that and I am NOT CHARGING people. Now, if I do readings in person, I am taking time to be available and then I will charge, but the point I was making is that I am a psychic and I chose to not charge people on reddit for readings. The statement she made basically says that I am not a psychic then, because I don't conform to her ideals.
Oh, she tried to say that she does readings for free, but they are one question readings. That's limiting your abilities because you're not getting paid. Not me. I leave the floor open to follow-up questions, so the ones I am reading can understand what is going on.
So here's the problem in all of this. I may sound like I am being a dick about it, which that's a perception thing, but I am also trying to get rid of things that are just plain untrue. I understand that if everyone was standing around the statue of Michelangelo's David, some people are going to see the statue's twig and berries and some people are going to be looking at butt. While the description of the different people may appear to be different things, the honest truth is that they are both looking at the same thing and neither is agreeing on what they are looking at.
It's a theme in my experience that comes up over, and over, and over, and you get the idea.
So what I am writing about is that we need to realize that on the precipice of reality and what is the true nature of humanity, that we are only able to provide our perception of what we understand. This does not make us experts, as there are infinite levels of perception to be considered. However, if the purpose of a blog entry is to inform in such a matter, then it must be prepared to do so with a catalyst for discourse.
You are not going to learn anything or grow, if you think your perception and training is the only one that is out there. That being said, if you think you don't need to learn anything more, then I am speaking directly at you, because the truth is that you're the problem.
Here's why: When we look at the subject of ascension, we tend to only look at the individuals that have learned to ascend so that we can emulate and attain the state that they did. This is of course, impossible. I postulate that what really needs to happen is that humankind as a whole needs to come together and move as a group. Kind of a herd state where as the group moves, you move as well. Or in the case of ascension, as the group ascends, you ascend as well.
You can't do this by placing yourself out there as an individual. You can only accomplish this by allowing the group to enter into discourse and learn from each other.
There are no experts, only people trying to separate themselves from the group, by sounding like they are an expert. Sure some seem to have better information than others, but without an avenue for them to get feedback, their statements are isolating and the kind of stuff that causes humanity to stagnate instead of ascend.
So unless you can discuss your blogs and posted writings, I encourage you to stop and consider that you might actually be the problem that I am referring to.
When I am asked by people during a reading if they are on the right path, the information I get is this: "There is no wrong path, there is no right path, there just is the path... keep going." If we are all on a path together, which is possible seeing as how we are incarnated to earth at this exact time, then we must learn to walk the path together. That might be difficult for many, but that is what is going on. Until you release to that fact, then the discourse turns into an argument, rather than an attempt to learn.
And why is it important to learn as much as possible? So when the information is needed, you have enough perspectives to help others understand. Since being on reddit, I have seen a lot of people come forward with their discovery of psychic abilities. The numbers are increasing and these people have questions and a lack of experiences to understand them. It is in all of our best interest to give these people information and allow them to incorporate the abilities properly.
And now we discuss...