I was treated to a ethereal lesson last night. This lesson was one where I was to experience the lack of fairness as expressed as a competition. That competition was one not unlike the ones you see in reality tv, especially those on food network.
So the competition was this: make a curry.
Well, it turns out that I don't know how to make curry. To add to this, I was the last person to get to the location to start making a curry. This meant that I was looking to find ingredients and having a particularly hard time doing it.
At one point the one running the competition was chastising me for not getting my dish anywhere near completion. As I was assessing the situation, I said flat out "well, I am going to quit, this competition isn't fair." At that point it was revealed to me, that everyone else already did this challenge before, knew that there was limited ingredients and that they knew where to get these ingredients.
This triggered some lucid experience because I then realized, that this was given to me, so I could see that the truth of this world is that it is completely unfair.
You would think that this planet would exist in such a state that there would be a sense of fairness, but there is a reason why the fairness isn't here.
It starts by looking at leaders, not just kings and queens, but our religious leaders. How do they get to be who they are? Why aren't we capable of being such a leader? Is it drive or ambition? Well, no. It isn't. Instead it is the opposite. It is a circumstance of how they were born. Even being born you are not on an equal level as everyone else. Jesus born of a virgin and the son of God. Buddha was royalty who sought to understand a concept he knew nothing about after he was becoming an adult. Mohammed was the chosen prophet of Allah.
But what about us? Religion teaches us to become close to the object of our endeavors, but for these leaders, they already have that. We are at a disadvantage just by our own nature. We aren't always born into a rich family, nor are we born into royalty. In fact sometimes we are born with maladies or additional difficulties.
In fact when you get to understanding the nature of this reality, you learn that not even time is running normally as it does for the rest of the universe. Even the rules on this planet place humanity at a disadvantage. How is this fair?!?
So it leaves us with this sense of competition. It is the king of the hill attitude by looking at those who have the advantage that makes us want an advantage for ourselves. It is prevalent in all of this existence and permeates into the problem that all of humanity needs to face.
To this end it does provide a solution. That solution is this: Our lives need to be one of full cooperation and sharing. It only gets accomplished through the energetic nature of love. It is one where not one person is singled out as the chosen one or the children of god. It is one where the playing field is made equal by everyone working together.
Until we can all agree to take our advantages and use them specificallyt to assist those with disadvantages, then we accomplished nothing in our understanding of this world or its current nature. This challenge we have been given must be faced, and we can only do it together. There is no one better than us, there is no one lesser than us. And we ALL must see that.
For it is only through a certain advantage, that one person was able to ascend, while the rest of us struggle with the concepts. In that light, fairness must be an integral part of how this reality works. It is not a result of suffering or sinful nature alone. Unfairness can only be contradicted by cooperation by all.