Friday, July 8, 2016

Why we should not be praying for peace.

Prayer is one of those things where I know most people do it incorrectly.  In prayer, you must realize that the resonance of key words is what determines outcomes.  It's as if you are looking at weight loss, when the key is weight, which means you resonate with weight.  It is as if you pray for someone with cancer, and their cancer gets worse.  In those cases you should be praying for health and fitness.

So in a recent episode of Game of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister made a statement about how you don't make peace with your friends, but rather with your enemies.

If we are to understand the resonance of peace, that means that we consider other people to be our enemies.  In other words, to pray for peace would mean that you pray for enemies.

Pray for friendship, pray for togetherness, or even pray for cooperation.  Just don't pray for peace.

The hippies got it wrong.