I was talking with a friend and she said that she heard that humanity and consciousness reached 10,000. Apparently that means everyone should have the understanding and awareness that they are conscious.
Here's the problem. In my observation, people in general aren't awake and aware. There are people who are awakening and becoming conscious, but the tipping point hasn't been met. It would be more visible.
What we have is a divide. A rift, if you will. It is a separation of ideals. However, that separation isn't a result of conscious, but rather a result of mind control.
The reason why I say this, is because mind control can only be identified when you approach full consciousness.
There are basically two things that define what is mind control:
1) Requirement to consume mental stimulation.
2) Separation of ideals, despite the basic needs that benefit us.
When it comes to mental stimulation, it's basically what we feed our brain. Whether we read, watch or whatever, what we are doing is obtaining information and processing it. When this information becomes passive, like watching movies and tv, or taking in a sporting event, the possibility for manipulation is possible.
The manipulation manifests in ways similar to techniques found in Sun Tsu's the art of war. The basic one being 'divide and conqueror'. The more control exists, the more the people become divided, and the more likely you are experiencing mind control.
As long as mind control exists, and people are pulled into it, then I cannot agree with the statement that humanity reached the tipping point.
Until then, we must wait and watch.