Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Why the Hate/Love regarding Trump?

I don't know if you noticed, but there is a dichotomy regarding the current american president.   There are people who think he's the worst, and there's nothing that he can do to make it better.  Then there's the people who think he's the best, and that everything he does is affirming their faith in him.

The problem with it, is due to perspective.  It is very hard to take one perspective and see the other perspective at the same time.  Maybe it's due to how polarizing he is, or maybe we have all become polarized, and are only capable of seeing one perspective.

On September 24th, 60 minutes had a segment debuting Oprah Winfrey talking to a focus group about this perspective problem.  If anything it shows the perspective divide even greater, by having people express what they believe regarding the president.

In my studies in college, I discovered that in a multiple reality scenario, that the existence of God or the non existence of God, is possible due to perspectives on reality.  It is possible due to the nature of multiple realities, that both possibilities exist.  That might not make sense to some people, but consider this.  Imagine there are realities that intermingle on this planet.  For some people, the reality has God as a very real being and influencing reality.  For other people, that reality is devoid of intelligent design and God really does not exist.

When we look at quantum realities, we know that our perception and beliefs are influencing how we see our reality.  So to understand the dichotomy, we must be able to transcend these realities, and see things from the other perspectives.

I realize how impossible that sounds, but I want to point out this fact that maybe what people are saying on each side is conceivably correct.  It also could be conceivably incorrect as well.  The question as to whether Trump is a good president can't be answered until after he has gone from office.  To predetermine his success is to place opinion before actions.  Even if you think vitriol or an enraptured state due to a tweet, means you are holding those opinions well in advance.

If you drop those opinions, then you have the greater difficulty of understanding why the hate/love exists.  If anything, you might think they are pointless messages.  However, because of his position in government, we weigh very heavily everything that is said, to the point of nitpicking.  Because those opinions are based in our core selves, we are influenced heavily in the meanderings of a man.  Not as much as a president, but as another talking head.  Nothing based in science, truth or even consensus should even matter.

But these things matter in a polarized reality.  You can see both sides, but invariably, you have to be a part of one of these realities.  How you choose to act on them, is purely yours.

As for the current craziness regarding the NFL and the national anthem, that's a discussion for another day.  Try seeing the perspectives on both sides based on what I just told you and maybe this is not as clear as it seems.  There is no right side, there is no wrong side.  You must know that the problem is a real one, and it takes a leader that can transcend the biases and address the problem entirely.  Unfortunately that does not exist.