Monday, November 2, 2009

Ponderance of Electronic Voice Phenomena

It's call phenomena because it's not easily defined as to how it is manifested or what conditions cause it to manifest. Electronic Voice Phenomena (or EVP) is a tool of ghost investigators that supposedly provide proof of the existence of spirits.

So what is it? How is it possible? I have pondered on this and have come up with some interesting thoughts that may call into doubt as to the certainty of what is actually being captured.

Let's first investigate some of what we know about ghosts.

1) They are intangible... sort of. In some cases, they aren't wholly intangible. They can tap your shoulder, touch you or even pull on your clothing.

2) They are invisible... sort of. Some really great ghost evidence is when the spirits aren't invisible, but instead the more semi-visible, the more credible the evidence.

3) They can't communicate directly with us... sort of. To some they totally communicate directly.

4) They are dead... sort of. If a ghost exhibits intelligence and responds, then what is death? What is life? Do we have an immortal spirit? And what about residual haunting?

5) They are electronically magnetic... sort of. Uses of a EMF (electromagnetic field) detector, can be a sign of a spirit presence, or a bad electrical system.

So what do we know? Not a whole lot. If we can't use scientific method to produce specific and tangible results, then what good is the evidence?

Let's get back to EVP then, as I have seen some interesting evidence that affects the accuracy of EVP as a legitimate proof of the existence of an intelligent ghost.

The whole thing starts as a part of watching the Ghost Adventures Live program from 10/30/2009. In that episode they used a new piece of equipment called a "spirit box". It was a device that tried to play back in real time any sound that would be considered as only an EVP. As the device was functioning, one thing that came across was sounds as if the location was still in operation.

That means that it was pulling in sounds from the past!

There was an urban legend involving the catholic church regarding a device that did something similar. It was called the "Time Visor". The premise of which is that given a period of time, the world around us exists with a certain vibration from that time, and if we only tune into those vibrations, then we can see and hear what happened in the past.

Unfortunately the device is a matter of legend as the vatican does not acknowledge such a device.

It does make one wonder... what is it that is being picked up as an EVP? Is it really something existing in a present time or yet our plane of existence? We don't know. We only have observed the tangible world, because we don't know how to perceive results from a non-coporreal world.

It's not like psychically adept ghost investigators are consistently watching ghosts come up to their recorder and speaking right into the recorder.

I like the attempt to accumulate as much "evidence" as possible, but part of me is in doubt as to whether it truly can be called "evidence of ghosts". Maybe a wormhole has opened between two vibrational existences? That was the concept behind the movie 'Frequency'.

Now vibrational rifts and ghosts all fall under the umbrella of "paranormal" and it's probably why this kind of thing falls into the realm of ghost hunting.

So now the big question: What is an EVP? Is it a ghost? A voice from another vibrational existence? A parallel universe? How can we be sure? What if we turned these devices toward the earth? Would an interstellar object with an electronic and magnetic vibration like an intrastellar sattelite such as the earth be able to communicate? How could we tell?

The concept behind the human ear is one where the diaphram of the ear is vibrated by the movement of air particles and is turned into an electrical impulse that gets interpreted by the brain into sound. Recording devices are similar, but instead of being stored as a sound, it's stored as an electrical signal, which is then played back through a similar output method vibrating the air until it gets received by our ears and is turned into sound. If somehow we bypass the connection of our brain to our ear, do we not hear spirit voices. I think we do, but the intensity is one that is so silent and beyond a whisper that we can barely hear it. The focused mind is one that you can differentiate between voices speaking in your head. It is my opinion that the electrical signals in the brain as a part of spiritual activity can allow someone to hear a spirit without actually hearing with the ear. This may be what EVP is all about. Now if we can translate brain electricity into sound, then we may have one form of proof about what EVP truly is.

Now, are we anthropomorphisizing the results? Like how we see faces in a rock, are we attributing voices to random noises?

It is most likely that I am cynical of such existences because I have not witnessed concrete proof that the content is legit in a truly academic and scientific fashion. If I have learned anything from Ghost Hunters is that personal experience is no confirmation of the existence of ghosts regardless of how strong or conclusive the personal experience is.

On the other hand, I have experienced first hand the presence and energies that are proposed as spirit-related. There is a certain energy in these "beings". I can't prove them. I can only speak of experience.

Until then, I look for better proof.

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