Monday, November 26, 2012

The scientific fetal position.

I find that at times in your life that God is trying to tell you something that a theme comes up over and over in many different areas of your life. These things just eat away at you leaving you in a place that the only way you can appear is if your are rolled up in the fetal position, because it is pervasive and intrusive at all sides.

It's science.  What is science?  What is scientific?  How do we allow things to enter the mainframe of the scientific landscape when science is ignored.

The whole problem came about as a result of a lawsuit out of Italy.  In the lawsuit, a man claimed that his company required him to be on the phone a lot.  Way more than you, me and our families combined.  He sued the cell phone company for a product that caused him to get brain cancer.

He won.

With science, you have to deal with facts.  The fact here is that there's something that we don't know about cell phones.  Specifically, how dangerous they are and why.

So do the research.  That's what I did.  I looked and compared the cell phone to the human brain (hello tumor!).  It turns out there's a direct correlation to brainwaves and the radio waves emitted by cell phones!

This is bad that on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is a teddy bear and 10 is holding a gun to your head, this is really close to a 10. 

But the problem doesn't end there, you start looking at what's being put into the water supply and how the body reacts depending on the chemical. 

Take this for example.  Fluoride may make teeth whiter, but it also causes more cavities.  Chlorine turns animal fats into a gel like substance in the blood stream and causes arthrosclerosis.

Now maybe I am getting the information wrong and that really isn't what happens, but we have these huge problems with health and obesity in america where less than 100 years ago the exact opposite problem was the norm. 

So we get bombarded by people who think they have the solution and they have part of it, but not all of it.  My wife was reading a "wellness" book and it had recipes for healthy vegetarian options in the back.  Yes, they were vegetarian, but they were replacement recipes for meat oriented dishes.  Here's the problem with any kind of substitute: chemical manipulation.  We have a small idea what happens when you add a small seemingly innocuous chemical to something.  It's like MSG.  The stuff is supposed to make things taste better, and maybe it does.  The problem with MSG is that most people can't process the stuff internally.  It's a substance that takes meat that's rotten and makes it palatable.  That was the original intent.

Now would you eat rotten meat without MSG?  What is the benefit? 

Before you run away from that, did you know that all meats (excluding fish) have to be aged (slightly rotten)?  Most meats you get in the grocery are "wet" aged.  You can't eat meat straight off the cow's hind end, you would literally spit it out because of how disgusting it tastes.  Occasionally you will see "dry" aged meat, and that's a specialty technique usually reserved for restaurants.

I might be getting off track, but when we talk about meat substitutes, we are either talking about beans with some kind of starch binder or tofu.

Starch and all carbohydrates are basically what the body uses as fuel storage to do what it needs to do every day.  When you overload on those things, you tend to put on fat.  Alternatively, failure to use the body in an active manner will do the same.

Tofu falls into a category of food I call, "we don't know why we eat that".  Soybeans are the main culprit here, but things like high fructose corn syrup and canola oil are in the same boat.  Do your research and prepare to throw out 90% of the food in your house.

Soybeans is not a new item, because it's been a staple of chinese and japanese food products for many years.  Except, the chinese know something about soy we tend to ignore.  It's that soy is not good for the body unless it is fermented first.  Unfermented soy actually can cause the thyroid to not function correctly.  Why do we know this?  In the 1920's or around that time, we didn't have soy in the public diet.  We also had to irradiate over active thyroids, because they were too active.  Now, we have the opposite in underactive thyroids.

The pattern of the modern day food affecting the health of America has even prompted food diets like the
paleo diet.  A diet suggesting a return to a less processed form of food consumption.

This is at the heart of what science is.  We have to take theories, test them and objectively tell whether the result is good or bad.

We don't do that anymore, however.

This is much more prevalent in the Paranormal/Ghost Hunting field.  It's rampant and shameless as to the pervasiveness of a field that should be ever so skeptical about allowing new devices to permeate into the field.

The most pervasive of which is the cell phone.

The aspects of the cell phone fall into 3 categories:
Videography and
ITC (instrumental trans-communication)

When it comes to photography, the cell phone uses technology that allows for a tiny little camera to be placed into the device.  This means that the quality is lower and the possibility for error is increased.  When it comes to scientific data gathering, the highest quality instrument should be the one used.  Tiny cameras aren't exactly quality.

Which brings us to videography.  Cell phones aren't able to be mounted on tripods, not without setting up some kind of bracket.  Cell phones don't record in night vision either.  Why we are allowing people to produce some kind of "blair witch project" style video should be decried as unacceptable.  But people are doing it.  They're posting the videos online in order to prop themselves up in their tremendous scientific finds.

But it's kind of like seeing a picture with orbs and saying, "you know what, most orbs are dust".  So why should you look at a shaky camera video?

Maybe it has to do with the ghost hunting shows.  I know it cost a little bit more money to put a camera on a shock proof rig, but when evidence is more often captured by tripod mounted DVR cameras, maybe we should take note.  If the camera's moving, we can't tell if it's evidence or not, nor should we.

Finally it gets down to ITC.  I know there's a lot of people that use it and I am pretty sure that NONE of them know how the thing works to do what it is doing.

There's the ghost meters.  A cell phone version of the ovilus device, which is supposed to turn environmental readings into words that translate into the actual words being said by a spirit.  Not many people know what combination of settings will respond into words.  If they did, they would be able to record those settings separately and come up with the same or similar conclusion.  How do spirits know exactly what word will be presented by the device?  How come this doesn't work with people in general?  How do we know it's not? 
There are other applications coming out for phones that claim to perform ITC functions.  In order to allow any kind of device or application to be allowed into the scientific field, it needs to have a scientific paper that explains how, why, and the results of the experimental testing.

 And what about that radiation deal with the Italian lawsuit?  Is nobody taking this into account?  Have you put your cell phone next to your EMF meter?  KII?  (I use the KII Mel meter, because the response time of the KII may show a fluctuation of energy and is an indicator of a burst of energy.  If anything it's an alert light to be aware of the environment.)

When it comes to ITC in general, all devices that claim some sort of ITC will have the same problem. That is: Where are the scientific papers that explains why it works?  I will tell you where it is: NOWHERE.  Nobody's done the scientific research explaining why it works.

The spirit box is a perfect example of ITC which isn't scientifically explained.  The idea is that it is a radio that sweeps quickly through stations trying to pick up a signal and play that back as audio.

Why does it work?  OR is it working?  Maybe it's just picking up random radio stations?  The "shack hack" version of this is tremendously bad at the radio stations because it is just all over the place.

The explanations are then imposed on the device.  "They are attaching to the white noise."  "They interact with the amplifier."  "They bypass the antenna."

Perhaps the obvious questions are just not being asked.  Which explanation is correct and why all of the different components to the radio in order to get these "spirit voices"?

I don't want to be the skeptic here, but that's what I turn into when it comes to these things.  In the comic Hellblazer 19, John Constantine explained it perfectly when he said "I'm an occultist--I like to know what's going on behind the scenes."

When it comes to the paranormal field, in some way we all need to be the occultists.  If we are not then we're just adventure seekers looking for the next thing since the bungee jump.  We need to look at the world as a whole and understand why things work the way they do, and not because someone says that "it just is."

I feel that's the point that I need to come out from my fetal position and carry my constant banner of virtue and integrity when I say "DEMAND BETTER".

I not only demand that out of the people in the spotlight, but the people that aren't in it as well.  We shouldn't accept mediocrity or lack of scientific analysis for the sake of the paranormal.

And for everyone's sake, release your scientific papers!!!  Provide the scientific evidence that says the theory behind the device, what evidence you show that it does what you say it does, and allow other people the chance to peer review and replicate your findings!

That is, unless you're spineless cowards who don't know what you're doing and just trying to scam people.  If I have to be the thorn in the side of these people, then that's going to have to happen.  I just don't see any other way to put science into the field of the paranormal at this point, if we place science aside while allowing these things to enter the field.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Invitation vs Invocation

There are two ways of initiating a communication with spirits.  While they spell just slightly different, they are the difference between the paranormal being safe and the paranormal being dangerous.

Invitation is the open and outright statement to open connection between you and a spirit. While this sounds simple and unassuming, the invitation is the open door that causes possession.

For that reason it is important to use invocation.  An invocation is a statement that the a previous agreement is in effect and you are requesting that the agreement is honored.

So how do you work that into a paranormal investigation?

The main problem is in determining right and authority.    In any property investigation, the rights upon the land are determined by the land owners.  However, if you are on public property these rights are no longer in place.  For that reason you would be only able to acquire a invocation to speak with spirit from private property.

Now in cases of occult activity, the permissions no longer apply to the current land owners.  This is because the entity was more often than not placed into the location and the invocation abilities are specific.

Never ask for an invitation or invocation for spirits to speak on a public property.  To do so is asking for problems, unless you're there with an exorcist, then ask that person, they probably know better than most.

How do you establish an invocation agreement?  It has to be done by an "approval to communicate to the spirits at the location by the property owners".  This could be a verbal communication, but it is also possible that it could just as easily be done through an approval form.

Now by doing this, the approval does not come from the spirits themselves.  It's so important, because the spirit will have no right to you in the possibility of possession or influence.

In Malachi Martin's book about demonology "Hostage to the Devil", he talks about 'Perfect Possession'.  In those cases, possession is ALWAYS a result of inviting the malevolent spirit.

If you've ever read up on demons and exorcism, then you would have to notice that in every exorcism case that it comes down to a revoke or rebuke of the spirit within the body.  Revocation works best when you didn't do an invitation to begin with.

It's just something to think about.