There are two ways of initiating a communication with spirits. While they spell just slightly different, they are the difference between the paranormal being safe and the paranormal being dangerous.
Invitation is the open and outright statement to open connection between you and a spirit. While this sounds simple and unassuming, the invitation is the open door that causes possession.
For that reason it is important to use invocation. An invocation is a statement that the a previous agreement is in effect and you are requesting that the agreement is honored.
So how do you work that into a paranormal investigation?
The main problem is in determining right and authority. In any property investigation, the rights upon the land are determined by the land owners. However, if you are on public property these rights are no longer in place. For that reason you would be only able to acquire a invocation to speak with spirit from private property.
Now in cases of occult activity, the permissions no longer apply to the current land owners. This is because the entity was more often than not placed into the location and the invocation abilities are specific.
Never ask for an invitation or invocation for spirits to speak on a public property. To do so is asking for problems, unless you're there with an exorcist, then ask that person, they probably know better than most.
How do you establish an invocation agreement? It has to be done by an "approval to communicate to the spirits at the location by the property owners". This could be a verbal communication, but it is also possible that it could just as easily be done through an approval form.
Now by doing this, the approval does not come from the spirits themselves. It's so important, because the spirit will have no right to you in the possibility of possession or influence.
In Malachi Martin's book about demonology "Hostage to the Devil", he talks about 'Perfect Possession'. In those cases, possession is ALWAYS a result of inviting the malevolent spirit.
If you've ever read up on demons and exorcism, then you would have to notice that in every exorcism case that it comes down to a revoke or rebuke of the spirit within the body. Revocation works best when you didn't do an invitation to begin with.
It's just something to think about.
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