Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Perspective consciousness and the programmed.

I am reading a book where it talks about programming and brainwashing and it was talking about how everyone has been programmed.  I thought that was a rather odd statement, but when it went on to detail what the programming is, it became rather clear about how we're all programmed to think in a certain way.

The way we are programmed is to be focused on our own person.  We focus on our safety, our sports teams, our lifestyle, our religion and even our families and friends among many other things.

Now there's nothing really wrong with that, but the problem is that if that's our only focus, we're really not seeing the global problems that trickle down to our lives.  In order to see these things, you have to move from the self to a greater existence.  In other words, your thinking must go from "I" to "we", from "we" to "us" and from "us" to "all".

We are kept in those lower perspectives, pulling from "us" until it's just "I".  That thinking is everywhere and is all over your tv, but if you're not looking for that, you'll never see it. 

Now the quantum world has this concept that was previously talked about here, called quantum entanglement.  Or as Einstein put it: spooky action at a distance.  This little concept is the nuclear bomb of perception shifts.  Knowing the results of quantum entanglement shows that there's no such thing as the self, as all things are mysteriously and miraculously interconnected.  (See the movie "I Am" as quantum entanglement is explained perfectly)

The post about the double slit experiment also comes into play, because it talks about passive observation versus active observation.  In the programming, individuals are in a passive state.  Shifting from the programming requires a movement from passive to the active state in order to identify the programming.

Active state observation is another name for critical analysis.  This is one of those aspects that the education system fails to work on.  A fully functional student with critical analysis is one that provides ideas and logical arguments that help better explain why one thing is true while another is false.

It can't be said that things happening all around the world don't factor into our existence.  It's known the entanglement exists, so those entanglements will affect everyone whether things are good OR bad.  Individuals who are programmed would not see these attachments, and as a result be unable to be affected by the seemingly unrelated events.  However the truth is that the individuals are affected and as a result are numbed to their effects by the programming.

Break the programming, look at the world as just one thing, then think of the solar system as one, think of the galaxy as one, and then see the universe as one... and then keep going.  Seriously, keep going!

Religions have been teaching us to look at each other as part of the entanglement, but the institution of religion has built in a program that takes you away from the connections.  This is an argument for another day, but look at your own faith through the critical eyes of analysis to see that the universal message is there, but it's appealing to a self-focused existence.  You can't connect to your source (whatever you want to call it, most call it God) through your self.  You must view the entire existence as if you were the source.

I am not asking you to become source, I am only asking you join with the source.  See everything from the perspective of source.

Source might not be the best word here, but there's not one word that is going to explain it quite right.

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