Friday, June 1, 2012

So I created a paranormal group part 2.

Intent is the name of the game.  What you intend to have happen is something that's set in motion.

With intent, I set upon achieving one simple little goal that should be a part of every single organization in existence.

That one goal is to make sure people are happy. 

Happy's a pretty big goal.  I think if you give people happiness that it in turn makes you happy just from their happiness.

I've been reading "The Children of The Law of One" by John Peniel.  If you've ever studied Edgar Cayce's readings, you've probably heard about this guy.

Anyway, I am getting to the part where it talks about intent and happiness and achieving enlightenment.

The statement says basically that once you've achieved enlightenment you pretty much spend the rest of the time helping others to achieve it.

Now I KNOW I am not fully enlightened.  I have frustration that meets me in some form every day.  Whether it is my work, or the fact that I sense spirits who can't properly communicate me, I am frustrated.

At times I feel like Prometheus trying to steal fire from Zeus.  I want to know what the little secret is, and then turn it around and give it to others.

This is not all that far from one's whose enlightened, but in some regard I would have to be happy about it all.

Sometimes I would say that I am not happy.  It's not an "incredible hulk" kind of unhappy, just a "bridge is out" kind of state of upset.

I mean, what are you going to do with things out of your control?  You going to let those things eat at you, or will you discard them like a facial tissue which you've blown your nose?

The intent I am trying to show here is that I set up an approach for people to work together in a rather unique system.  I believe that this is completely achievable once people understand and join the system.

Maybe in some regard, I set it up, so it wasn't hinged on the fact that I started it.  I've never been good at getting groups together.  I tried many times to start a band out of high school and college and it just never quite worked out.  So the important part to me, was just to make it possible. For the first month, I didn't even care if people even looked at the webpage or not.  The vanity of the thing would make me unhappy.

We can accomplish happiness by getting rid of things that make us anything but happy or by addressing the issues that cause us to not feel happiness.

That is pretty much the only thing I have to say as a part of this entry, because to me, it literally is the most important thing.

Are you happy?

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