Monday, May 21, 2012

So I created a paranormal group

I remember it quite clearly.  I had basically walked away from a paranormal group.  The demands and pressures on my time made it difficult for me to do what was asked in the time I was asked to do it in.

Plain and simple, I couldn't cut it with the team.  And I am still fine with that.

However, I got into the paranormal because of questions.  Questions that nagged and pulled at the chords that hang all around me in this life, making it look like some kind of puppet show that I was just merely a wooden character placed within.  These questions are not to be taken lightly, and by all that is in me, they must be answered!

So a couple weeks later had passed and I was in the final stages of what I really wanted to do with life.  Should I answer those questions and move forward or do an about face and try to go to stuff that I used to do, but didn't do anymore. 

There's a reason why I am not doing what I used to do.  Things change, seasons change, I change.  This is the nature of the world.  If I have learned anything is that I must always continue to move forward.

And with that in mind, I started laying the groundwork for "my" paranormal group.

Let me just say that my idea of a group is that it's a bunch of people working together.  This was my biggest problem with joining any other group, because there was always someone designated as a leader, president, founder or whatever.  The whole idea of which reminds me of a corporate existence that soured my work existence for the better part of a decade.  The last thing I would ever want is to have a group where there was a leader who you just shouldn't cross just out of respect.  You wear big enough shoes, you're invariably going to step on toes, whether you want to or not. 

So I scrapped the whole idea of that.  No leaders.

Next was the issue of how to pass information to and from the team.  Who would be handling the money and how would the issues of money be handled.  This was the biggest problem.  Life I have found is not without its sense of synchronistic sense of harmony.  I found that my skills as a programmer in a small company situation means that I do a whole bunch of pieces of project management from day to day. I turned the whole concept into the idea of what makes the team work with an internal computer based system.  In turn I did one thing that I am pretty sure most teams are not doing.

I got rid of requirements.  I do require that members support themselves and each other, but there's one driving factor that I went with.  Complete transparency at ALL levels.

Then I knew that since I left a team that there would be questions.  I knew that I couldn't be taking shortcuts at every stage of the process, but some of the process was laborious for little reason.  For this reason I have taken the processing as a group member and literally placed it in the member's hands.  The handbook is a thorough study of what one would need to get started on an investigation.  I know for some groups out there that this is crazy talk, but I find that one's ability to investigate has more to do with experience than anything else.

So I got rid of the whole teaching/training scenario.  It's placed in the member's hands.  How fast you learn the material, determines how soon you become a full fledged team member.  You could literally be an investigator in weeks not months.

Finally came the issue of evidence.  In my latter days with the previous group, I found myself in greater and greater doubt about the significance or importance of the material we were getting.  Countless hours were spent working on audio to try to make it sound clearer or determine what it was that was being said.  To me the processing of all of it, screamed insanity.  It took weeks for me to get through a night of audio, not because it was difficult, but because it just never really sounded that clear to me.

So I got rid of it.  Either there's something there or there isn't.  If something's in question, then we make a note and then as a group take a look at it.  As investigators who aren't getting paid for the work, spending unnecessary time on something is nothing short of just plain wasting time.

To follow this up, I then had a unique idea.  In that idea was itself a aspect of uniqueness.  That idea was to be as unique as possible.  Let's not try to hunt ghosts.  Let's try to prove ghosts using as many means as possible.  That means getting lots and lots of different approaches and actually getting to what ghost hunters did in the 70's and earlier: just plain old research.  Let's build a scenario, create theories and then test them!

So instead of being a ghost hunter, I got rid of that idea.  Let's learn how to be ghost detectors!

Finally armed with the concepts I needed, I then need a name to pull the whole thing together.  Something that spoke to the nature of existence, the unexplainable aspect of the paranormal and wrap it up in a nice bow.  That concept came as a result of watching movies like "what the bleep...", "thrive" and "I am".  The ideas of the law of attraction, the observations of an observer affecting reality and the entanglement of the aspects of us that we can't even begin to understand.

The words were easy: Zero Point Quantum Paranormal. 

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