I was doing some research into the quantum zero point for personal reasons.
I found a little correlation to the favorite talk of Star Trek fans, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The principle states that it's impossible to know the position or momentum of a particle within an atom. As soon as you know one aspect, the other aspect changes.
One of they ways they were able to do it was to fire photons into an atom. Any time they found a photon reflecting, it showed the location of a particle, but it had since moved. Part of the movement is because the particle is in motion, but also because the particle has been influenced by the photon.
So the issue doubled back to the classic double slit experiment, where in firing one proton at a time through a double slit that the observation causes the photon to act like a particle rather than a wave.
Yeah! They're using photons! So how are they measuring the photon? I am not exactly clear on this. At times they were using bucky balls, which are DNA sized. Supposedly it was done while using a microscope, but still how are they seeing it? What are they doing? How are they sure it's done correctly?
The problem with the conclusion of the double slit experiment is that the simple act of observation is (or isn't) what's creating the outcome.
I am going to disagree with that conclusion. The reason why I am disagreeing with the conclusion is because it makes the assumption that passive observation is sufficient. My argument is that it's not correct.
Instead, it is active observation that would influence the outcome. It's the act of firing the photon to find the particle of an atom that can affect the particle, where it is, and where it is going. In more a more philosophic approach to the concept, it is as if the belief is God isn't what defines faith, instead it's the actions of prayer and worship that make faith.
I realize that's a bastardization of who God is and whether or not God exists, but I hope it could explain that the active influences upon a system are what effects the system.
By placing some activity into a system, you change the conditions of that system. It doesn't require a lot of activity, but activity is warranted to change a system.
We live in the energetic system. It is our energy that influences the system around us. It is totally up to us whether we influence that system.
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