Monday, August 3, 2015

It's just not fair!

I was treated to a ethereal lesson last night. This lesson was one where I was to experience the lack of fairness as expressed as a competition.  That competition was one not unlike the ones you see in reality tv, especially those on food network.

So the competition was this: make a curry.

Well, it turns out that I don't know how to make curry.  To add to this, I was the last person to get to the location to start making a curry.  This meant that I was looking to find ingredients and having a particularly hard time doing it.

At one point the one running the competition was chastising me for not getting my dish anywhere near completion.  As I was assessing the situation, I said flat out "well, I am going to quit, this competition isn't fair."  At that point it was revealed to me, that everyone else already did this challenge before, knew that there was limited ingredients and that they knew where to get these ingredients.

This triggered some lucid experience because I then realized, that this was given to me, so I could see that the truth of this world is that it is completely unfair.

You would think that this planet would exist in such a state that there would be a sense of fairness, but there is a reason why the fairness isn't here.

It starts by looking at leaders, not just kings and queens, but our religious leaders.  How do they get to be who they are?  Why aren't we capable of being such a leader?  Is it drive or ambition?  Well, no. It isn't.  Instead it is the opposite.  It is a circumstance of how they were born.  Even being born you are not on an equal level as everyone else.  Jesus born of a virgin and the son of God.  Buddha was royalty who sought to understand a concept he knew nothing about after he was becoming an adult.  Mohammed was the chosen prophet of Allah.

But what about us?  Religion teaches us to become close to the object of our endeavors, but for these leaders, they already have that.  We are at a disadvantage just by our own nature.  We aren't always born into a rich family, nor are we born into royalty.  In fact sometimes we are born with maladies or additional difficulties.

In fact when you get to understanding the nature of this reality, you learn that not even time is running normally as it does for the rest of the universe.  Even the rules on this planet place humanity at a disadvantage.  How is this fair?!?

So it leaves us with this sense of competition.  It is the king of the hill attitude by looking at those who have the advantage that makes us want an advantage for ourselves.  It is prevalent in all of this existence and permeates into the problem that all of humanity needs to face.

To this end it does provide a solution.  That solution is this:  Our lives need to be one of full cooperation and sharing.  It only gets accomplished through the energetic nature of love.  It is one where not one person is singled out as the chosen one or the children of god.  It is one where the playing field is made equal by everyone working together.

Until we can all agree to take our advantages and use them specificallyt to assist those with disadvantages, then we accomplished nothing in our understanding of this world or its current nature.  This challenge we have been given must be faced, and we can only do it together.  There is no one better than us, there is no one lesser than us.  And we ALL must see that.

For it is only through a certain advantage, that one person was able to ascend, while the rest of us struggle with the concepts.  In that light, fairness must be an integral part of how this reality works.  It is not a result of suffering or sinful nature alone.  Unfairness can only be contradicted by cooperation by all.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Religion, ritual, belief and a place called the Akashic Record.

Recently I was given an attunement to a pain management system.  In order to access the system, it requires you to get the attunement from the Akashic Records.

This is quite a lot for anyone who has never heard about the records or knows about energy modalities.

Let us begin with modalities.  Basically put a modality is any technique that taps into the body's energetic nature and works with those energies.  To utilize and work with a modality on your own requires something called an attunement.  You are tuned to the technique and are open to use it.

The Akashic Records is a place on the etherial plane where information currently is being stored and accessed.  It is said that this is where the book of life is located, as well as many other documents. 

In people that I have met that do Akashic Records readings, they usually perform a prayer of some sort and then claim an opening of the records.

As someone who has studied quite a bit on religion, ritual and faith and what purpose it serves, it seems to me that the people accessing the records are doing so as part of some ritualistic religious practice. 

Prayer itself isn't a ritual, but a recited prayer is.

Religion is put simply a belief system that requires an element of faith and is expressed through ritual and practice.  It is a byproduct of the faith/belief and is not required in all religions to accomplish the purpose of said belief.  Unless the purpose of the faith/belief, is to control and subvert the masses.

I don't agree with any belief or faith causing the need for control or subversion. 

So, why are people accessing the Akashic through a ritual?  The answer lies in the need and purpose for religion and rituals: fear.  The only thing that stops anyone from accessing or achieving what they intent to achieve is fear.  All fear is internal and is a result of misunderstanding circumstances.  So the reason why we can't access the Akashic Records is due to our own fears or understanding.

I realized this was even more so the case when I was given the instructions for the attunement.  As I am reading it, I get the little indication that something is communicating.  When I asked if this was from the Akashic, the answer I received was "yes". 

So let's backtrack a second.  Most Akashic readers are performing a ritual.  I get an indication that says I am accessing the records.  I didn't do the ritual.  Is the ritual required?  Logically the answer is no, but I can see how that can be wrong.

The idea that needs to be expressed is one of permission.  If you are granted permission, then the information is there.  This is why most people need to perform the ritual.  However, I do need to point out that ALL of the things in this reality that hold you back are within yourself. 

In other words, it is because you need to have the ritual, in order to feel like you have permission.  Permission is granted to all of us on this plane, if we seek the information.  So, the true need to perform some kind of permission is a product of our own selves getting in the way of accessing the information.

There's a concept I keep using that refers to the plethora of information that is available through intuitive practice.  It is called "The Feed".  Sometimes this is just the information about what is going on around someone, or the physical attributes about someone, or even the information about a person's path.

Through the use of spirit guides, this information is filtered out into usable pieces, which is where most intuitives get their information.  It is said that psychics get the information from the Ether.  Well, that's where the Akashic Records reside.  How is that matter where you get the information as long as the information is valid and correct?

So in accessing the Akashic records, I have been able to find some usable information that I feel that I should pass on to others.  This is what everyone needs to do, and do on a fairly constant basis:

1) Look at everything with love.... and nothing else.
2) Lighten your heart by mentally releasing your burdens at the moment you are in. 
3) Repeat

I am finding that the best use of my sleep time is to access Akashic information and if it is useful then I wake up and have the information.  I have been working on energetics and raising vibration in the meantime.

What I will conclude is that the Akashic records are freely open for anyone to access.  You must however, learn to tap into the intuitive "feed" in order to accomplish this.  But honestly, it's not that difficult.

When I ask, I just say "I am looking for information on ...".  You want to see the book of attunements?  Sure, but it's quite big.  If you need to look at someone's record... again it's all in the asking.

There's no ritual needed, because this isn't a religion.  This is the nature of the unseen etherical world.  Just like you don't need to have a grass religion to know you need to mow your lawn, you don't need any other religion to access information.  You just need to stop being afraid.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Are you an angel?

The question I want to explore is the logic behind the idea that people are basically angels incarnated into human form or that humans that have passed, become angels.

You hear it a lot.  The issue is rather simplistic, but there is something fundamental that needs to be understood when it comes to Angels.  Angels are basically higher energy beings who are assistants to mankind.  They are created and sent from God.

In a paradigm of God's existence, Angels are not the only thing created from God, but that precludes the fact that everything is created from God.  Therefore the statement is irrelevant. 

If we say that there isn't God, then Angels have a completely different purpose and it becomes a tad disturbing.  So there's these higher energy beings whose sole purpose is to assist lower level beings?  Not educate, mind you, but assist.  That would mean they are slaves, right?  How does this sound right?

So for the sake of argument, the easier paradigm is one where God exists.  We could argue the opposite, and probably conclude that angels don't exist either.  In that case, we're done.  However, for everyone else, I will continue.

So the concept being presented has to do with energetic beings.  Our soul represents our energetic being.  Angels represent another.  When it comes to energetic levels, the truth of it, is that we are not compatible energetically.  Angels by their nature are higher energetically.  So it presents a dilemma of two parts.  Can an Angel incarnate as a human?  and can a human when they die become an Angel?

Some people will claim that they are possible.  However, this is actually something quite impossible.

Let us talk dogma when it comes to human becoming an angel.  This does not account for reincarnation, because in that, you can't shift levels just by incarnating.  Otherwise, why would we be here?  No, when we die we are still at human energetic levels and are maintained as such.  Even physics says that you can't just change energy levels or vibrations just because it changes from one medium to another.  That's like saying that in order for a battery to produce AC current, you just need to feed it AC current instead of DC.  However, it is by outside forces and behaviors that you can change energetic levels.  Death/Birth is not an outside force but an inside force and therefore can't change energetically on its own.

In other words for church goers, Angels are for service, Humans are for worship.  Service isn't worship, so ergo Humans can't be Angels.

Now let's take it the other direction, can an Angel incarnate as a Human?  Again, the energetic levels aren't compatible.  Some will say that this is why you have people like those with down's syndrome or a functional disorder like Autism.  I think that's what people say to feel better about their situation.  Now what would actually happen, is if an Angel tries to incarnate, the best they can do is resonate into reality.  At higher levels, this is a matter of just being in sync with the frequency of the reality they are trying to match.

Someone who has trained into looking at energy levels should be able to see intrusions into our physical resonant reality.  Only by selecting to see outside of the resonant reality's frequency, you can view these as if light going through a prism.  Why do you think the aura appears to have colors?

Now I could be totally wrong with what I am saying and maybe we're just surrounded by Angels that are living human lives, but if our desire is to energetically become one with God (or whatever you want to refer to that existence as), then it would make less sense to move to a lower vibration at any point or to move to an existence that takes you away from who you truly are. 

The alternative is that there aren't such things as angels and we're actually talking about demons.  Now that's a different discussion.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Will all the "experts" please stop.

I'm in a venting mood today.  Mainly because I have seen a lot of blogs/websites that post on websites and facebook with the idea that "I'm an expert, and I am going to tell you my opinions as if they are fact."

Well ain't that fancy.  Someone gave you a microphone and allowed you to stand on a stage where everyone can see you and you spew some dribble that is either unoriginal, completely opinion based or just a personal story to boost yourself.

So just to let you get some background.  I've been doing psychic work on for free.  I signed up to be a free reader on the psychic subreddit and I AM one of the readers on the right side of the page.  Guess which one I am, and you too can get a free reading from me.

There have been a couple of people posting stuff from their blogs or websites.  There are two in particular.  One is a guy who's trying to process his psychic experiences while promoting his readings, while another is a lady who is just promoting her website for getting more readings.

So what I have been doing is commenting on their posts.  The guy, told his story and making it sound like this is how reality is.  I took to contesting one of the contents and said that what he was saying was a matter of interpretation (not fact) and that I sited some instances where the opposite could also be true.  I don't think he took it too well.

The lady however, posted some rather incorrect statements about psychics.  Basically the statement I contested was that anyone who is really psychic will not give you a reading for free.  I was offended by the comment, because I AM doing exactly that and I am NOT CHARGING people.  Now, if I do readings in person, I am taking time to be available and then I will charge, but the point I was making is that I am a psychic and I chose to not charge people on reddit for readings.  The statement she made basically says that I am not a psychic then, because I don't conform to her ideals.

Oh, she tried to say that she does readings for free, but they are one question readings.  That's limiting your abilities because you're not getting paid.  Not me.  I leave the floor open to follow-up questions, so the ones I am reading can understand what is going on.

So here's the problem in all of this.  I may sound like I am being a dick about it, which that's a perception thing, but I am also trying to get rid of things that are just plain untrue.  I understand that if everyone was standing around the statue of Michelangelo's David, some people are going to see the statue's twig and berries and some people are going to be looking at butt.  While the description of the different people may appear to be different things, the honest truth is that they are both looking at the same thing and neither is agreeing on what they are looking at.

It's a theme in my experience that comes up over, and over, and over, and you get the idea.

So what I am writing about is that we need to realize that on the precipice of reality and what is the true nature of humanity, that we are only able to provide our perception of what we understand.  This does not make us experts, as there are infinite levels of perception to be considered.  However, if the purpose of a blog entry is to inform in such a matter, then it must be prepared to do so with a catalyst for discourse.

You are not going to learn anything or grow, if you think your perception and training is the only one that is out there.  That being said, if you think you don't need to learn anything more, then I am speaking directly at you, because the truth is that you're the problem.

Here's why: When we look at the subject of ascension, we tend to only look at the individuals that have learned to ascend so that we can emulate and attain the state that they did.  This is of course, impossible.  I postulate that what really needs to happen is that humankind as a whole needs to come together and move as a group.  Kind of a herd state where as the group moves, you move as well.  Or in the case of ascension, as the group ascends, you ascend as well.

You can't do this by placing yourself out there as an individual.  You can only accomplish this by allowing the group to enter into discourse and learn from each other.

There are no experts, only people trying to separate themselves from the group, by sounding like they are an expert.  Sure some seem to have better information than others, but without an avenue for them to get feedback, their statements are isolating and the kind of stuff that causes humanity to stagnate instead of ascend.

So unless you can discuss your blogs and posted writings, I encourage you to stop and consider that you might actually be the problem that I am referring to.

When I am asked by people during a reading if they are on the right path, the information I get is this:  "There is no wrong path, there is no right path, there just is the path... keep going."  If we are all on a path together, which is possible seeing as how we are incarnated to earth at this exact time, then we must learn to walk the path together.  That might be difficult for many, but that is what is going on.  Until you release to that fact, then the discourse turns into an argument, rather than an attempt to learn.

And why is it important to learn as much as possible?  So when the information is needed, you have enough perspectives to help others understand.  Since being on reddit, I have seen a lot of people come forward with their discovery of psychic abilities.  The numbers are increasing and these people have questions and a lack of experiences to understand them.  It is in all of our best interest to give these people information and allow them to incorporate the abilities properly.

And now we discuss...