Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Religion, ritual, belief and a place called the Akashic Record.

Recently I was given an attunement to a pain management system.  In order to access the system, it requires you to get the attunement from the Akashic Records.

This is quite a lot for anyone who has never heard about the records or knows about energy modalities.

Let us begin with modalities.  Basically put a modality is any technique that taps into the body's energetic nature and works with those energies.  To utilize and work with a modality on your own requires something called an attunement.  You are tuned to the technique and are open to use it.

The Akashic Records is a place on the etherial plane where information currently is being stored and accessed.  It is said that this is where the book of life is located, as well as many other documents. 

In people that I have met that do Akashic Records readings, they usually perform a prayer of some sort and then claim an opening of the records.

As someone who has studied quite a bit on religion, ritual and faith and what purpose it serves, it seems to me that the people accessing the records are doing so as part of some ritualistic religious practice. 

Prayer itself isn't a ritual, but a recited prayer is.

Religion is put simply a belief system that requires an element of faith and is expressed through ritual and practice.  It is a byproduct of the faith/belief and is not required in all religions to accomplish the purpose of said belief.  Unless the purpose of the faith/belief, is to control and subvert the masses.

I don't agree with any belief or faith causing the need for control or subversion. 

So, why are people accessing the Akashic through a ritual?  The answer lies in the need and purpose for religion and rituals: fear.  The only thing that stops anyone from accessing or achieving what they intent to achieve is fear.  All fear is internal and is a result of misunderstanding circumstances.  So the reason why we can't access the Akashic Records is due to our own fears or understanding.

I realized this was even more so the case when I was given the instructions for the attunement.  As I am reading it, I get the little indication that something is communicating.  When I asked if this was from the Akashic, the answer I received was "yes". 

So let's backtrack a second.  Most Akashic readers are performing a ritual.  I get an indication that says I am accessing the records.  I didn't do the ritual.  Is the ritual required?  Logically the answer is no, but I can see how that can be wrong.

The idea that needs to be expressed is one of permission.  If you are granted permission, then the information is there.  This is why most people need to perform the ritual.  However, I do need to point out that ALL of the things in this reality that hold you back are within yourself. 

In other words, it is because you need to have the ritual, in order to feel like you have permission.  Permission is granted to all of us on this plane, if we seek the information.  So, the true need to perform some kind of permission is a product of our own selves getting in the way of accessing the information.

There's a concept I keep using that refers to the plethora of information that is available through intuitive practice.  It is called "The Feed".  Sometimes this is just the information about what is going on around someone, or the physical attributes about someone, or even the information about a person's path.

Through the use of spirit guides, this information is filtered out into usable pieces, which is where most intuitives get their information.  It is said that psychics get the information from the Ether.  Well, that's where the Akashic Records reside.  How is that matter where you get the information as long as the information is valid and correct?

So in accessing the Akashic records, I have been able to find some usable information that I feel that I should pass on to others.  This is what everyone needs to do, and do on a fairly constant basis:

1) Look at everything with love.... and nothing else.
2) Lighten your heart by mentally releasing your burdens at the moment you are in. 
3) Repeat

I am finding that the best use of my sleep time is to access Akashic information and if it is useful then I wake up and have the information.  I have been working on energetics and raising vibration in the meantime.

What I will conclude is that the Akashic records are freely open for anyone to access.  You must however, learn to tap into the intuitive "feed" in order to accomplish this.  But honestly, it's not that difficult.

When I ask, I just say "I am looking for information on ...".  You want to see the book of attunements?  Sure, but it's quite big.  If you need to look at someone's record... again it's all in the asking.

There's no ritual needed, because this isn't a religion.  This is the nature of the unseen etherical world.  Just like you don't need to have a grass religion to know you need to mow your lawn, you don't need any other religion to access information.  You just need to stop being afraid.

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