Sunday, November 22, 2009

The trees are speaking to us.

The trees speak and each has their own voice.

Maybe it's just because I have watched the movie "Wanted", where the whole premise of the movie is that all of the decisions being made are because of a weaving loom skipping in its up and down motions leading to a binary code that gives a name of someone who had to be eliminated.

Where that idea failed, was that the binary code translated to english.

When I think of linguistics, I would expect to look for patterns but a sense of randomness. I see that when I look at the common average tree.

But what are the trees saying? How are they saying it?

The concept starts with the "tree of life". It's a tree that is for lack of a better word, perfect. In stories of people that have seen heaven (or their idea of heaven, such as the Elysium fields) there is an idea that everything looks perfect with this tree.

I postulate that the tree is saying something really simple. Like "I am" or "alive" or "amen".

Now look at a tree. Look at the one which has no more leaves on it. The branches that jut off randomly really don't see that random. It's like there is some kind of logic to it.

Also consider if you've lived near the tree, how that tree has changed from year to year. What does it look like it's doing, if it reflects your life, what is it saying about your life.

If we consider that the tree is a living object, how is it any different than the birds, squirrels, cats and dogs? Have you ever understood a dog or cat? Owners who have one, tend to know what a certain bark or mew means.

But how? It's not like we are communicating with them with similar words. Instead, we assimilate the patterns and apply them to actions.

Well, can't we do the same thing with a tree?

Something to think about.

Also, I propose that evergreen trees are singing. Think on that as well.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The path, and a man with a technicolor dreamcoat.

I was reading in genesis about the story involving joseph who had a coat of many colors and one of the things about that story that stuck out has to do with something called "the path".

Now "The Path" is the correctness of how you live your life. It's been said to me that if things are going well, then you must be on the path. However, with that come a knowledge of what the path is and where it leads.

It is however laden with a sense of being flawed. The idea that you know where your life is leading and that things are going well, means that the control of your life is beset in your hands. By controlling your life, you could be meant for a much larger role in the world, but you'll never get to that, because of the limits of ones own mind.

This is where god comes into the picture. A person who has totally submitted to the will of god/universal oneness/collective unconsious, will never see their path. This was the case with joseph. He never saw the path either. He was given dreams and they made sense. He was taken and put into a prison for a couple of years before becoming a governor and then ultimately the only provider for his family at the beginning of a time of great famine.

If you live the path, you must know that there are weird journeys that you have taken to get to the place you are now. There's a reason for it all, but until you arrive at the final destination can you only look backwards and see that a great and grand design, ornate in it's truths has taken you all the way to here.

I know I am on the path, because it just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I still don't know where I am going, but it's currently one wild turn after another.

There is no greater difficulty than realizing that it takes every fiber of your being to submit to god. It's a struggle that we wrestle with daily.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ponderance of Electronic Voice Phenomena

It's call phenomena because it's not easily defined as to how it is manifested or what conditions cause it to manifest. Electronic Voice Phenomena (or EVP) is a tool of ghost investigators that supposedly provide proof of the existence of spirits.

So what is it? How is it possible? I have pondered on this and have come up with some interesting thoughts that may call into doubt as to the certainty of what is actually being captured.

Let's first investigate some of what we know about ghosts.

1) They are intangible... sort of. In some cases, they aren't wholly intangible. They can tap your shoulder, touch you or even pull on your clothing.

2) They are invisible... sort of. Some really great ghost evidence is when the spirits aren't invisible, but instead the more semi-visible, the more credible the evidence.

3) They can't communicate directly with us... sort of. To some they totally communicate directly.

4) They are dead... sort of. If a ghost exhibits intelligence and responds, then what is death? What is life? Do we have an immortal spirit? And what about residual haunting?

5) They are electronically magnetic... sort of. Uses of a EMF (electromagnetic field) detector, can be a sign of a spirit presence, or a bad electrical system.

So what do we know? Not a whole lot. If we can't use scientific method to produce specific and tangible results, then what good is the evidence?

Let's get back to EVP then, as I have seen some interesting evidence that affects the accuracy of EVP as a legitimate proof of the existence of an intelligent ghost.

The whole thing starts as a part of watching the Ghost Adventures Live program from 10/30/2009. In that episode they used a new piece of equipment called a "spirit box". It was a device that tried to play back in real time any sound that would be considered as only an EVP. As the device was functioning, one thing that came across was sounds as if the location was still in operation.

That means that it was pulling in sounds from the past!

There was an urban legend involving the catholic church regarding a device that did something similar. It was called the "Time Visor". The premise of which is that given a period of time, the world around us exists with a certain vibration from that time, and if we only tune into those vibrations, then we can see and hear what happened in the past.

Unfortunately the device is a matter of legend as the vatican does not acknowledge such a device.

It does make one wonder... what is it that is being picked up as an EVP? Is it really something existing in a present time or yet our plane of existence? We don't know. We only have observed the tangible world, because we don't know how to perceive results from a non-coporreal world.

It's not like psychically adept ghost investigators are consistently watching ghosts come up to their recorder and speaking right into the recorder.

I like the attempt to accumulate as much "evidence" as possible, but part of me is in doubt as to whether it truly can be called "evidence of ghosts". Maybe a wormhole has opened between two vibrational existences? That was the concept behind the movie 'Frequency'.

Now vibrational rifts and ghosts all fall under the umbrella of "paranormal" and it's probably why this kind of thing falls into the realm of ghost hunting.

So now the big question: What is an EVP? Is it a ghost? A voice from another vibrational existence? A parallel universe? How can we be sure? What if we turned these devices toward the earth? Would an interstellar object with an electronic and magnetic vibration like an intrastellar sattelite such as the earth be able to communicate? How could we tell?

The concept behind the human ear is one where the diaphram of the ear is vibrated by the movement of air particles and is turned into an electrical impulse that gets interpreted by the brain into sound. Recording devices are similar, but instead of being stored as a sound, it's stored as an electrical signal, which is then played back through a similar output method vibrating the air until it gets received by our ears and is turned into sound. If somehow we bypass the connection of our brain to our ear, do we not hear spirit voices. I think we do, but the intensity is one that is so silent and beyond a whisper that we can barely hear it. The focused mind is one that you can differentiate between voices speaking in your head. It is my opinion that the electrical signals in the brain as a part of spiritual activity can allow someone to hear a spirit without actually hearing with the ear. This may be what EVP is all about. Now if we can translate brain electricity into sound, then we may have one form of proof about what EVP truly is.

Now, are we anthropomorphisizing the results? Like how we see faces in a rock, are we attributing voices to random noises?

It is most likely that I am cynical of such existences because I have not witnessed concrete proof that the content is legit in a truly academic and scientific fashion. If I have learned anything from Ghost Hunters is that personal experience is no confirmation of the existence of ghosts regardless of how strong or conclusive the personal experience is.

On the other hand, I have experienced first hand the presence and energies that are proposed as spirit-related. There is a certain energy in these "beings". I can't prove them. I can only speak of experience.

Until then, I look for better proof.

Friday, August 21, 2009

What is the problem with healthcare?

It's the healthcare, not the insurance companies.

Think about it, if we weren't being told to take a whole plethora of drugs and instead was given an alternative (possibly cheaper) therapy, shouldn't we be doing that?

Drug therapy is expensive and I think it's one of the main reasons why the whole system is failing. It doesn't help when you have the government playing into the hands of pharmaceutical companies.

You have the FDA doing everything possible to side with big drugs! What is wrong with this picture?

We're arguing about who is paying what, but the real question is why we aren't addressing the real problem: "why are we paying for A and B, when we should be getting X and Y?"

Yes, doctors are supposed to be more educated and know this stuff, but it's apparent (at least in my experience) that doctors seem to get their information from the same source... big drug companies.

Do I need a flu shot? No! So why am I being told that I should? I haven't been sick in over a year. I don't need a freaking flu shot.

Do I need cholesterol medication? No! There's no direct correlation between cholesterol and heart disease, except that you can't treat heart disease but you can treat cholesterol. If plaque buildup was a problem, how come we don't have a drug to deal with plaque on our teeth then?

I am currently trying to rid myself of an excess of Candida Albicans yeast in my intestinal tract, because of an OVERUSE OF ANTIBIOTICS. The current medical treatment is largly ineffective, because it only treats the symptoms of Candida overgrowth rather than addressing the problem. Truthfully, I should have never had to take my own approach to the problem. It first should have never happened (we can't be taking antibiotics every sign of sniffle) and secondly I shouldn't have to seek an alternative therapy just to get rid of the problem.

What is the medical community doing to progress medicine? I have no idea, but they should be ashamed if they don't.

If the nation as a whole was healthy, then doctors would have the luxury to do research. Fact is we're not. We are so unhealthy it's literally like a typhoid mary of generalized symptoms. I partially blame the FDA but I equally blame the Department of Agriculture. The FDA isn't progressing healthcare, they're putting it into a little box and putting a drug label on it. The Dept of Agriculture is then telling us how we should eat. (It's like having a pig farmer say that you need to have more pork and pig's milk in your diet.)

So what happened to the surgeon general? Is the position that irrelevant because no one will listen to a doctor anymore?

I stopped believing that doctors knew what they were doing when a doctor put me on a cholesterol drug and then wouldn't take me off of it, even though it was causing me to have liver damage!!! That was years ago and I am still pissed about it.

Follow that up with a sudden case of vertigo I had. I ended up with a half hour session of the room spinning. We went to an immediate care clinic, where the doctor there put me on sudafed and dramamine. I had a sinus infection and my blood pressure was high. Yeah, SUDAFED and HBP!!! Still think the system works?

So while the whole nation argues about nationalized healthcare, the real issue is just not addressed. The quality of healthcare. It freaking sucks. Especially in Illinois, where you might have to wait several weeks just to see a doctor.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Vacation Part 2: Pictures of Lemp Mansion

Click on the pictures to view the full images and I will try to tell you what went on in this set of photos.

We do have a 2nd set of photos to go off of, but due to hardware, it currently won't let me download the images to the computer. I am currently working on a solution at this time.

We begin the tour with the adjacent room the Frederick Lemp Suite. We were in the Louis Lemp suite. Very nice accomodations and a nice big bathroom off of the suite.

In between the two suites, we had a sitting area with pop machine. Nothing much here, of course.

Down the hallway from the seating area, we have the Elsa Lemp Suite on the left followed by some spiral stairs (very tight space) and then a double door leading onto the roof patio.

A look at the Elsa Lemp suite. Claimed to be THE most haunted room in the mansion. In fact if you look at the chandelier you will see that they have hung a wind chime on it. That's how active the room is.

A better picture of the double door leading to the roof patio.

Just after going down a flight of stairs to a second floor, I took a picture of the stairs. Lemp mansion is quite clean, so I kind of doubt that I am getting dust in the pictures, but I don't know what it is that I am getting in some of them, whether they are lens flares, dust, or actual orbs. Some of the pictures make me ponder.

The stairs continue downward to the basement and is currently the only way to access that floor. We only used the stairs to go from the second floor to the third due to the claustrophobic space.

There are 3 bedrooms on the 2nd floor and a single bathroom (that I know of) that is shared between the rooms. This I believe is the Charles Lemp room.

A picture of the 2nd floor shared bathroom. It is massive. Not as nice though as the bathrooms on the 3rd floor as it has a slightly creepy run down look wheras the 3rd floor baths have more of a modern look to them. (edit: I should point out that there is more than one bathroom on the 2nd floor, but I don't remember where it is in reference to the rest of the floor layout.)

Yep, it's a plaque.

More of the Charles Lemp suite.

A picture of Lillian Lemp a.k.a. the lavender lady. Actually, the story is that she was divorced from William Jr. so I kind of doubt that it is her ghost that haunts the mansion. I think it's Elsa. One of the reasons of the divorce had to do with William's treatment of cats. That might explain the cat ghost that climbed on the bed the first night we stayed. I also think I was approached by a dog, and there is a story about a dog being killed at the mansion as well. I learned about the dogs and cats after we got back from our stay. Imagine my suprise.

William Lemp Jr. Some say that he is the prominent haunt in the mansion and it is his stern demeanor that scares people.

When you get to the top of the main stairs you're standing at the end of this hallway and there are two rooms off of that hallway. To the left is the William Lemp Suite. To the right is the Lavender Suite. Some say it's the least haunted location in the mansion.

All I can say is that it's certainly lavender.

More of the shared bathroom

The William Lemp suite.

More William Lemp Suite

Even more William... well, this picture is significant, because the chandelier pictured here has been known to swing. As to how and why, nobody can figure that out. The house is like a rock and just as solid. Nothing should be causing the swinging. (Yes, my wife is pictured in the mirror)

A cabinet in the William Lemp suite. Not really anything to speak of, but I took a picture of it anyway.

The hallway. Note the cart and where it is. It comes into "play" later.

Looking down the main set of stairs from the hallway.

Another portrait of William Jr.

One of the areas turned into dining space.

More Dining Area

Stained glass image from the bar area

Another stained glass image from the bar.

The atrium, where many people say that they feel that they are watched. I didn't get that feeling there at all. At least not like you do in some of the rooms. Brrrrrrr.

Once outside, there's a huge massive gazebo, a carriage house and a tent area.

And a fountain garden. Not sure what that is in the lower part of the picture. Glowing orb?

Coming around the side of the house, you can really get a sense of it's size. No, I don't think I got any pix of people looking out windows. Unless you see something I don't.

Back in the mansion at night. I felt something nearby and started taking pix.

Maybe it was going downstairs?

Or was it coming up to the 3rd floor? I spooked out the guests that were staying there on our 2nd night. They had watched the chandelier in the William Lemp room shake a couple of times and were looking to go to the Else Lemp suite when I snapped this one.

Still nothing in the hallway.

It was at this point that I felt something in the Else Lemp room and rattled off a couple of pix. I don't think I have anything picture wise. I will be checking the digital recorder tho, because I know I felt something.

The next day as we were leaving. Remember where that cart was? It was reported that during the night there was a full apparition at the bottom of the main staircase to the left.

Some of the various artifacts of the Lemp beer legacy:

Well, it's not the only original thing in the whole place.

The women's bathroom on the first floor is supposedly haunted by Charles Lemp as he has been known to look over the wall of the toilet stall.

This toilet stall.

Here's the sink.

Chandelier in the bathroom? Why not!

Feel like reading?

Yep, looks like a vault.

What bar isn't complete without a mounted fish?

Over by the fireplace in this room, I got a weird feeling. Different than most of the energy in the house.

This room was toward the back of the main floor. I had to take a picture of the ceiling.

Or two pictures.