Monday, July 20, 2009

Vacation Part 2: Pictures of Lemp Mansion

Click on the pictures to view the full images and I will try to tell you what went on in this set of photos.

We do have a 2nd set of photos to go off of, but due to hardware, it currently won't let me download the images to the computer. I am currently working on a solution at this time.

We begin the tour with the adjacent room the Frederick Lemp Suite. We were in the Louis Lemp suite. Very nice accomodations and a nice big bathroom off of the suite.

In between the two suites, we had a sitting area with pop machine. Nothing much here, of course.

Down the hallway from the seating area, we have the Elsa Lemp Suite on the left followed by some spiral stairs (very tight space) and then a double door leading onto the roof patio.

A look at the Elsa Lemp suite. Claimed to be THE most haunted room in the mansion. In fact if you look at the chandelier you will see that they have hung a wind chime on it. That's how active the room is.

A better picture of the double door leading to the roof patio.

Just after going down a flight of stairs to a second floor, I took a picture of the stairs. Lemp mansion is quite clean, so I kind of doubt that I am getting dust in the pictures, but I don't know what it is that I am getting in some of them, whether they are lens flares, dust, or actual orbs. Some of the pictures make me ponder.

The stairs continue downward to the basement and is currently the only way to access that floor. We only used the stairs to go from the second floor to the third due to the claustrophobic space.

There are 3 bedrooms on the 2nd floor and a single bathroom (that I know of) that is shared between the rooms. This I believe is the Charles Lemp room.

A picture of the 2nd floor shared bathroom. It is massive. Not as nice though as the bathrooms on the 3rd floor as it has a slightly creepy run down look wheras the 3rd floor baths have more of a modern look to them. (edit: I should point out that there is more than one bathroom on the 2nd floor, but I don't remember where it is in reference to the rest of the floor layout.)

Yep, it's a plaque.

More of the Charles Lemp suite.

A picture of Lillian Lemp a.k.a. the lavender lady. Actually, the story is that she was divorced from William Jr. so I kind of doubt that it is her ghost that haunts the mansion. I think it's Elsa. One of the reasons of the divorce had to do with William's treatment of cats. That might explain the cat ghost that climbed on the bed the first night we stayed. I also think I was approached by a dog, and there is a story about a dog being killed at the mansion as well. I learned about the dogs and cats after we got back from our stay. Imagine my suprise.

William Lemp Jr. Some say that he is the prominent haunt in the mansion and it is his stern demeanor that scares people.

When you get to the top of the main stairs you're standing at the end of this hallway and there are two rooms off of that hallway. To the left is the William Lemp Suite. To the right is the Lavender Suite. Some say it's the least haunted location in the mansion.

All I can say is that it's certainly lavender.

More of the shared bathroom

The William Lemp suite.

More William Lemp Suite

Even more William... well, this picture is significant, because the chandelier pictured here has been known to swing. As to how and why, nobody can figure that out. The house is like a rock and just as solid. Nothing should be causing the swinging. (Yes, my wife is pictured in the mirror)

A cabinet in the William Lemp suite. Not really anything to speak of, but I took a picture of it anyway.

The hallway. Note the cart and where it is. It comes into "play" later.

Looking down the main set of stairs from the hallway.

Another portrait of William Jr.

One of the areas turned into dining space.

More Dining Area

Stained glass image from the bar area

Another stained glass image from the bar.

The atrium, where many people say that they feel that they are watched. I didn't get that feeling there at all. At least not like you do in some of the rooms. Brrrrrrr.

Once outside, there's a huge massive gazebo, a carriage house and a tent area.

And a fountain garden. Not sure what that is in the lower part of the picture. Glowing orb?

Coming around the side of the house, you can really get a sense of it's size. No, I don't think I got any pix of people looking out windows. Unless you see something I don't.

Back in the mansion at night. I felt something nearby and started taking pix.

Maybe it was going downstairs?

Or was it coming up to the 3rd floor? I spooked out the guests that were staying there on our 2nd night. They had watched the chandelier in the William Lemp room shake a couple of times and were looking to go to the Else Lemp suite when I snapped this one.

Still nothing in the hallway.

It was at this point that I felt something in the Else Lemp room and rattled off a couple of pix. I don't think I have anything picture wise. I will be checking the digital recorder tho, because I know I felt something.

The next day as we were leaving. Remember where that cart was? It was reported that during the night there was a full apparition at the bottom of the main staircase to the left.

Some of the various artifacts of the Lemp beer legacy:

Well, it's not the only original thing in the whole place.

The women's bathroom on the first floor is supposedly haunted by Charles Lemp as he has been known to look over the wall of the toilet stall.

This toilet stall.

Here's the sink.

Chandelier in the bathroom? Why not!

Feel like reading?

Yep, looks like a vault.

What bar isn't complete without a mounted fish?

Over by the fireplace in this room, I got a weird feeling. Different than most of the energy in the house.

This room was toward the back of the main floor. I had to take a picture of the ceiling.

Or two pictures.

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