Monday, July 13, 2009

Vacation: part 1

I finally am taking a vacation and this one is serious.

We are spending the first two nights in st. louis. Specifically the Lemp Mansion.

In 1980 time magazine said that lemp mansion was one of the 10 most haunted places in the US.

My initial impressions are that this is completely true. We arrive sunday with plenty of time to get in on their family style chicken dinner.

It's a bit strange when you walk inside because it looks anything like a typical restraunt. Probably because it really isn't. It's a full blown mansion.

We sat down for dinner in one of the dining areas and about ten minutes or so into eating, there were shifts in the energy around me.

I should note that I can tell an energy shift is in a room. It basically feels like your head is going back and forth from being drunk, but none of the mind stunting effects that comes from alcohol. It's a light headed feeling and in Lemp, it was hitting me about every 15 or so minutes.

Let me just say that I know I encountered 3 spirits. They are significant each in their own way. I am however not including what appears to also be the spirit of a cat.

The first spirit I encountered seemed to be the "elder" of the location. Since it was a dinner, it was like he was the host and everyone around there worked for him. He kept putting his hand on my shoulder by the neck. Kinda in a big ol' granpa-ish kind of way. I think he got the impression that I had a deep respect for the Lemp family legacy and definitely how delicious the beer was.

Lemp beer is one of the first lagers to be brought to the US. The current manufacturing has however been moved to wisconsin. That's fine the beer is fruity and clean. Kind of like killians red but with more fruity flavor to it.

The elder spirit feels taller than I am like he's 6'2" or something like that, and that he has a pain in his left foot. I don't think that's the reason he died tho. I really don't know that detail.

The second spirit to approach is like the sibling. Well, I can only guess that he was the one that committed suicide in the mansion. He really is a mischievous spirit! He comes off with this sensation of a pain just under the nose leading to sharp pain in the back of the head. It takes awhile to get rid of the effects from him.

The third is quite reserved and aloof. I could only guess it's the lady of the house. I am not sure. I did catch her standing in the corner with a camera. She's got a bit melancholy feeling to her. Kinda sad.

I'll post the pictures at a later date of the ones we took. We did get quite a few orbs when we went up to the room after checking in. We stayed in the louis lemp room. That's right the 3rd floor!

Later when we came back from driving around, we went straight to the room. I think we made it clear that we were grateful to be their guests and that we would like to be alone now.

It kind of worked. The only thing we really felt was a cat walking on the bed. Not too bad for a location that boasts that only 50% of the people there stay the entire night.

I have a digital recorder that ran the entire night. I don't know if it caught anything. I will be running it again tonight and then download the audio to analyze later.

With the exceptions of the changes in energy, it is a really comfortable place to stay.

Like most stories, we are the only ones there. That's a shame, because the place is nice and if you treat the ghosts in a nice way, they will more than likely treat you just as nice.

The morning went a little slow and we got around and took pictures of all of the rooms. Some are really interesting to see with the sunlight coming through the house.

I only experience one more energy shift when we went through the house at that time. It was in the lavender room of all places! I think it was the lady. The elder would have come off a little stronger.

The day was spent at the st louis arch followed by the riverboat ride and then a trip to the cathedral basillica of st louis. The artwork in that place makes it one of those "must sees".

We're taking a minute of downtime at an internet cafe just to catch up on what's going on.

Plans are to hit a late dinner at iron barley. The place was on foodtv's "diners, drive-ins and dives".

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