Monday, February 22, 2010

The whispers in Lemp Mansion

Okay, so here's a couple more of the EVP's that were picked up. I was hesitant to include them as they literally are hard to hear and the source for them is even more difficult to ascertain.

In the previous entry, the voice is saying "go home" or "back home", and occurs at 52:25 into the audio file.

At 53:00 we get the first of three whispers. And you can make out the whisper when I used the equalizer on the audio. This whisper appears to be saying something like "Why?". Again, this is difficult to hear.

At 53:08 (8 seconds later) a second whisper is heard following a bang. This one appears to be saying "noth-ing". Or not. I can't tell.

Finally at 53:52 there is yet another whisper. This one is so inaudible you can't even make out what it's saying. I would love to hear a guess. (e-mail me at

Before I get too far, I should elaborate on my audio setup. I am running cakewalk home studio 6 XL on a Quad core 2.66 GHz with 4 GB of ram. I am running the output through the edirol UA-4FX audio interface which has an on-board noise reduction unit (which filters only white noise). With cakewalk, I am using the sonitus:fx equalizer VST plugin to reduce the background sound and try to boost the voices in the audio. Without all of it, the noise is just insane and you can't really hear much.

The recorder that was used is a Olympus VN-5200PC. This unit was selected due to its ability to produce uncompressed wav files and output directly to a PC for processing. The recording times of the unit are insane as it will record well beyond the battery life which is estimated at 24 hours of recording time. The audio from it is remarkably clean and without background noise, the recordings are pleasantly quiet.

Lemp Mansion - Speaks?!?

It's been more than half a year since me and my wife went to the lemp mansion. During the nighttime hours, I set out a digital recorder and let it run. Unfortunately for me, the recorder got hours and hours of the quite noisy air conditioner. To listen to the whole thing would take pretty much a whole day (without sleep).

Anyway, I managed to pull the first night's recording into Cakewalk and proceeded to use an equalizer to lower the AC's signature and boost the other sounds from the room. I refuse on principal to use a noise filter like the one used in audacity for two reasons. One is that you don't know what you're filtering and two it distorts the resulting output. I did my research and found out that EQ filtering was the way to go.

Cakewalk really does not like the immense file I have uploaded. About 10 minutes is all I can manage before it's internal buffer decides to take a leave of absence and the program crashes.

That being said, here's a bit of the story. We were settling down for our first night in the mansion and we were the only ones there. I had turned on the television and we watched an episode of Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" on the travel channel.

So the recording that I have, is just before I turned off the tv. I ask, "(do you want me to) turn it off?" and in another male voice (close to the recorder I might add) you can hear a fairly deep voice plainly saying "back home".

The recorder was placed by the door to the room, so the voice picked up was much louder than my own.

I have noticed some other vocal whispers following that point. "Why?", "nothing" and a whisper that is completely indistinguishable. All of which occurred in the span of 90 seconds.

While I am not considering the whispers, as they could possibly be our own voices, it is definite that the "back home" voice is not from the tv and not from either me or my wife.

Click on the link to hear the audio!

(ed. I have also failed to mention that in the daytime the area was hit with a really powerful thunderstorm. This may account for the heightened activity we experienced on our first night there.)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Notes on electromagnetic phenomena.

I am posting some of my more poignant notes about electromagnetic phenomena.

When it comes to chakras and auras surrounding the body, you can detect the existence of each of those levels.

1) Etheric Body - 7.85 Hz
2) Emotional Body - 15.7 Hz
3) Mental Body - 2.4 kHz
4) Astral Body - 31.6 kHz
5) Etheric template/body (physical aspect) - 39.2 kHz
6) Celestial body (emotional aspect) - 4.7 MHz
7) Katheric body (mental aspect) - 54.9 MHz (1)

I am not aware of a scientific measurement being done for the auric energies. Kirillian photography is suspect at this point, because it takes the readings of the aura from the hands. The project camelot interview with pete peterson explained that the entire body structure and inter connectivity can extracted in information within the hands. The best way to describe it is that it resembles the layers one would find if they took a fairly medium sized electronic capacitor apart. (many many layers all wrapped up. I had one blow up on me in high school and it looked like a thin layer of plastic and aluminum rolled into a log.)(2)

Now healing energy ranges from .3 Hz to 30 Hz and has been measured as far back as 1970 by way of the SQUID magnetometer and as recently as 1992 where they measured a "QI Emission" with a magnetometer consisting of 2 coils of 80k turns.

The frequency emitted as a part of reiki energy almost exactly resembles the frequency coming from the brain. Since the nervous system begins at the brain and extends through the body, the "nervous system acts like an antenna for projecting the bio magnetic pulsations that begin in the brain."(3)

Frequency of those brain waves are as follows:
2Hz - nerve regeneration
7Hz - bone growth
10Hz - ligament healing
15Hz - capillary formation and decreased skin necrosis

The tri-field meter begins measuring at 5 Hz.

(1) Matrix II by Val Valorian

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh, you don't see it?

Well, here's my photoshop results:


In looking at it, you can make out a face in it. Eyes, nose, mouth. That being said, there is the propensity for the brain to impose characteristics to things that kinda resemble something that looks familiar. I don't know for sure if the picture is of a legit figure or not. I just know it's real interesting to look at it.

When using photoshop, all I am doing is adjusting the image filter. The image was then cropped to emphasize the area in question.

Lemp Mansion 2 - The other pictures.

The following pictures were part of a second picture set we had of the lemp mansion.

PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE THE FULL PICTURE!!! is cropping the photos in the browser space, so you will need to go to the picture's source to see the entire picture.

Entering the room where we stayed. A program on the discovery channel said that this floor we were on was the most haunted floor and the neighboring room was the most haunted room in the house.

Here I am pretending to be really friendly with the ghosts in lemp. I can't claim orbs in this one due to the reflection off of my shoes.

Another picture of me and the room.

The picture is off the little window area where it was said that the monkey-child zeke was said to play and look out from. Anyway, it's got an AC unit there which was fairly noisy, but brought down the house's creep factor by a whole freaking lot. I admit, I was very nervous in that house. It still makes me a bit nervous.

The "continental breakfast". Only worth it for the bag.

Corner of the room.

There were 3 attic doors in this room. I will talk about the middle on in a sec.

Looking into the bathroom. Nicely bright, shiny and renovated.

You see that ceiling? Try standing there an taking a pee if you're around 6 feet tall.



Looking out of the bathroom back into the room.

The next 3 pictures are probably during the most interesting moments of the whole time there. While melissa took a quick nap, I was just resting on the bed as well. You'll see in this picture what I could only sense. Someone standing by that door. If you don't see it at first, look at it for awhile. It's fairly large.

I ended up looking at the photo in photoshop and it's much different than most of the reflective and dust artifacts, but then. It was not a dusty place. It was incredibly cleaner than you'd expect. However it was at this point, one of the doorknobs to the left rattled as if someone was on the other side. Since those doors are locked, there was nobody that would be on the other side.

A final survey of the area doesn't reveal much. However I did sense on my leg what felt like a dog laying it's head/chin. If you own a dog, you know the feeling. It was AFTER being there, that I found out that the ghost of a dog does haunt the mansion.

A bunch of hallway shots. All in hopes of getting something on camera.





The remaining picture are of the outside of the mansion.





























Sorry for not posting these sooner. -N