Thursday, February 18, 2010

Notes on electromagnetic phenomena.

I am posting some of my more poignant notes about electromagnetic phenomena.

When it comes to chakras and auras surrounding the body, you can detect the existence of each of those levels.

1) Etheric Body - 7.85 Hz
2) Emotional Body - 15.7 Hz
3) Mental Body - 2.4 kHz
4) Astral Body - 31.6 kHz
5) Etheric template/body (physical aspect) - 39.2 kHz
6) Celestial body (emotional aspect) - 4.7 MHz
7) Katheric body (mental aspect) - 54.9 MHz (1)

I am not aware of a scientific measurement being done for the auric energies. Kirillian photography is suspect at this point, because it takes the readings of the aura from the hands. The project camelot interview with pete peterson explained that the entire body structure and inter connectivity can extracted in information within the hands. The best way to describe it is that it resembles the layers one would find if they took a fairly medium sized electronic capacitor apart. (many many layers all wrapped up. I had one blow up on me in high school and it looked like a thin layer of plastic and aluminum rolled into a log.)(2)

Now healing energy ranges from .3 Hz to 30 Hz and has been measured as far back as 1970 by way of the SQUID magnetometer and as recently as 1992 where they measured a "QI Emission" with a magnetometer consisting of 2 coils of 80k turns.

The frequency emitted as a part of reiki energy almost exactly resembles the frequency coming from the brain. Since the nervous system begins at the brain and extends through the body, the "nervous system acts like an antenna for projecting the bio magnetic pulsations that begin in the brain."(3)

Frequency of those brain waves are as follows:
2Hz - nerve regeneration
7Hz - bone growth
10Hz - ligament healing
15Hz - capillary formation and decreased skin necrosis

The tri-field meter begins measuring at 5 Hz.

(1) Matrix II by Val Valorian

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