Anyway, I managed to pull the first night's recording into Cakewalk and proceeded to use an equalizer to lower the AC's signature and boost the other sounds from the room. I refuse on principal to use a noise filter like the one used in audacity for two reasons. One is that you don't know what you're filtering and two it distorts the resulting output. I did my research and found out that EQ filtering was the way to go.
Cakewalk really does not like the immense file I have uploaded. About 10 minutes is all I can manage before it's internal buffer decides to take a leave of absence and the program crashes.
That being said, here's a bit of the story. We were settling down for our first night in the mansion and we were the only ones there. I had turned on the television and we watched an episode of Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" on the travel channel.
So the recording that I have, is just before I turned off the tv. I ask, "(do you want me to) turn it off?" and in another male voice (close to the recorder I might add) you can hear a fairly deep voice plainly saying "back home".
The recorder was placed by the door to the room, so the voice picked up was much louder than my own.
I have noticed some other vocal whispers following that point. "Why?", "nothing" and a whisper that is completely indistinguishable. All of which occurred in the span of 90 seconds.
While I am not considering the whispers, as they could possibly be our own voices, it is definite that the "back home" voice is not from the tv and not from either me or my wife.
Click on the link to hear the audio!
(ed. I have also failed to mention that in the daytime the area was hit with a really powerful thunderstorm. This may account for the heightened activity we experienced on our first night there.)
Holy crap! I got the heebeejeebees right now!