Friday, September 24, 2010

I should have written a book by now.

I am reading a series of "books" called 'The Law of One'. In it, these people ask questions of a higher density being known as RA.

Yes, the Egyptian reference is correct.

Confusing as the discussions are, RA makes some statements that I find are not unique to me. I have come up with the same conclusions on my own as far back as 1989.

I might have to compile them into a book, as what RA says about certain things is said at a much more higher level than most people could understand.

My whole understanding about god and reality is based on a simple mathematical equation. If you apply what is understood about the math, then a lot of stuff starts making a lot more sense.

I do like some of the stuff that RA talks about. That being that there are "distortions" to the law of one. Another being how communion is metaphysical magic.

I've picked up bits and pieces over the years that really augment and support the understandings of the esoteric/metaphysical universe and as one learns about the nature of an infinite creator, they learn a little bit about themselves.

I plan on building a website just to host the book.

When RA closes a session he always says the following: "I(we) leave you in the light and love of the one infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Glorious infinite Creator. Adonai."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

X-Files, Star Trek Online, Comic Books and an Intuitive flash.

I was playing Star Trek Online last night and I had a strange thought about the x-files comic book. Not the current one called "x-files:30 days of night" which I am obviously waiting for the trade paperback, but instead the original comic book series released by topps. Yeah, the card company topps. During the 90s comic craze topps briefly got into the comic book business. One of the books: X-files.

So today I was thinking about going to the comic shop. I like hunting through their 50 cent bins, and to my surprise the missing issues of the x-files book were in the bins. I mean, it was almost an entire run of the series, missing just a couple or so issues. So obviously I picked them up. I was rather strange to see those books there like that, but I am oh so pleased and thankful that they were.

In retrospect, I wonder if the thought I had about the comic not just the night before, was a premonition or something intuitive about what would transpire today? I don't really care too much about it. I am somewhat tickled that it did happen.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


It was a rather disturbing dream. In it, I watched the moon spin in circles in the sky. Sometimes it spun in almost a circle and other times it spun like it was making a heart shape in the sky.

The sky was dark and it was erratic in it's movements. It's was as if it was just sitting there and suddenly it moved.

A term was spoken as if I was watching it on the weather channel. "It's called a bonelac (bone-a-lack) and is what happens when the moon makes patterns in the sky."

I was with family and everyone freaked every time the moon moved. It's enough to give someone a heart attack, because it is so shocking.

After that I had a vision of south america being mostly covered in ice. Pretty much a circle from the tip of argentina through most of brazil.

It was at this point, I noted that I was dreaming, and usually when I have a strange dream, I try to look for a face looking back at me. When I did, I thought it looked like a tiger but the more I looked the more alien the face became. I asked for a name and I got the name cyrus, but that is possibly wrong.

I woke up at 5 and had to immediately write this one down. It may be important.

I did a web search and found no use of the word "bonelac". If you know of such a word, please send me an e-mail.

Ed: on further search, bonelac is possibly latin and combines the words bona and lacuna. If the words are combined, the result roughly translates to "beautiful circle".