Saturday, September 11, 2010

X-Files, Star Trek Online, Comic Books and an Intuitive flash.

I was playing Star Trek Online last night and I had a strange thought about the x-files comic book. Not the current one called "x-files:30 days of night" which I am obviously waiting for the trade paperback, but instead the original comic book series released by topps. Yeah, the card company topps. During the 90s comic craze topps briefly got into the comic book business. One of the books: X-files.

So today I was thinking about going to the comic shop. I like hunting through their 50 cent bins, and to my surprise the missing issues of the x-files book were in the bins. I mean, it was almost an entire run of the series, missing just a couple or so issues. So obviously I picked them up. I was rather strange to see those books there like that, but I am oh so pleased and thankful that they were.

In retrospect, I wonder if the thought I had about the comic not just the night before, was a premonition or something intuitive about what would transpire today? I don't really care too much about it. I am somewhat tickled that it did happen.

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