It was a rather disturbing dream. In it, I watched the moon spin in circles in the sky. Sometimes it spun in almost a circle and other times it spun like it was making a heart shape in the sky.
The sky was dark and it was erratic in it's movements. It's was as if it was just sitting there and suddenly it moved.
A term was spoken as if I was watching it on the weather channel. "It's called a bonelac (bone-a-lack) and is what happens when the moon makes patterns in the sky."
I was with family and everyone freaked every time the moon moved. It's enough to give someone a heart attack, because it is so shocking.
After that I had a vision of south america being mostly covered in ice. Pretty much a circle from the tip of argentina through most of brazil.
It was at this point, I noted that I was dreaming, and usually when I have a strange dream, I try to look for a face looking back at me. When I did, I thought it looked like a tiger but the more I looked the more alien the face became. I asked for a name and I got the name cyrus, but that is possibly wrong.
I woke up at 5 and had to immediately write this one down. It may be important.
I did a web search and found no use of the word "bonelac". If you know of such a word, please send me an e-mail.
Ed: on further search, bonelac is possibly latin and combines the words bona and lacuna. If the words are combined, the result roughly translates to "beautiful circle".
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