I don't know for sure, but I have been posting (mainly for my sanity) the various occurrences that have happened during my dreams or whatever.
Lately, I have been hearing voices that aren't my own. I have tasked my ego voice to monitor and report when a voice in my head isn't really mine.
It's an interesting aspect, because the ego is generally that voice in your head to begin with. It takes credit for a lot of stuff and fluffs you up or tears you down.
Echardt Tolle made an entire series of books where he details an existence without the ego. That only works if you're able to kill your ego/inner voice.
Well, I made a deal with my ego in that it reports when something doesn't belong to it. It works with the ego rather than against it. Somewhere the ego is responsible for prodding me to place these items on the blog.
Anyway, I had a dream that was going really well, then I had a voice start talking saying stuff about the dream. The ego alerted me to the voice, to which I mentally asked "who are you?". The reply was: "I am your sister".
I wasn't mentally acute at the time, so I was like "what's your name?". I couldn't remember who from what, so I was surprised when I was given the image of a store that has the same name as my still-born sister!
The voice is one that wasn't something I could come up with. It was a very smooth mid-range female voice. My voice is low or nasally. Definitely not mine. When I am sleeping I am usually wearing earplugs to assist my sleep. This doesn't stop any voices like that as they enter my head whether I want them to or not.
The way I compare to hearing a voice like that is to imagine a tv or radio is on in the same room and occasionally some words are spoken. In my awake state, this doesn't happen much, if at all. It's more of high pitched ringing when I am alert.
The whole incident brings up a series of impossible to answer questions. Like, how do you confirm that you're contacted by a deceased relative you've never met, OR do still-born babies have souls?
I don't expect most people to have an answer. The fundamentalist view would be to say that it's in my head and it wasn't real, or that I am going mental, or even that it's some kind of "demon" talking to me.
My experience would suggest none of those are possible. If it's just in my head, why does it wake me? If I was going mental, why pose that as a possibility. Insanity is like true evil, it never really considers itself as such. Then there's the idea of demons, which if you really study your demonology, you know that there's certain characteristics about demons that allow you to tell when you're dealing with one or not.
Anyway, I am not completely insane. Until I figure it all out, I am just observing and reporting, which is what I have asked my ego to do as well.
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