Shouldn't be happening. Don't know why it would. Nobody has died in the house. I think a dog died there, but that shouldn't have produced what I experienced.
So the story is that I am sitting in my office on a really busy day. The wife just called to say that she's leaving her sister's house and is just stopping by for a couple of minutes before going on to work. She's bringing food, so I am kind of expecting to hear when she arrives.
So I hear what I thought was the door closing and a voice downstairs. Mind you it was not very loud, but my door was open. I can pretty much hear what's going on in the house.
Anyway, a couple of minutes go by and the dogs upstairs with me aren't doing a thing. They're just laying in the bedroom sleeping.
As I got up to see who is/was downstairs the dogs perk up and wonder what I'm doing. Obviously they didn't hear anything.
So they follow me down the stairs to which I find nothing. There's nobody here. The wife's not home yet and it's just quiet as can be. So being the nice dog owner I am, I let the dogs out.
I go into the living room and when I do, I smell this strong flower smell. Kind of like someone sprayed some air freshener or just cut some flowers. It was a bit overwhelming. Anyway, I don't know my flowers, but I try to figure out where that smell is coming from.
It wasn't any of the plants. It sure wasn't the fabric softener solution we use on the microfiber couches to reduce static. It wasn't even the candles. The smell continued around the corner into the dining room and that was it. Very localized.
I looked at the thermostat as that is right there, and it was just as I left it.
I let one of the dogs back in and go back to work for a bit.
The other dog finally barks to come in much later and when I go down to let him in, I see that my wife finally has arrived.
And the smell is gone. No trace or similar odor to be found.
I tell my wife about it and we wonder what that is all about.
If there is a ghost in the house then we don't know why it's there. I would highly doubt there is, but I will be sure to keep my eyes and ears open.
What would really be a mind scramble is that it's the same as the female voice that speaks to me during the middle of the night in my head. I don't know where that is coming from either... and I wear earplugs to bed!
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