Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More Notes from Lemp mansion

Just after the whispers I recorded earlier at 53:52 into the 10:42:18 recording. I got the following:

1:42:56 - Almost inaudible voice. Possibly says "logic".
1:46:35 - Female Voice
2:12:44 - Knocking sounds
2:34:38 - Inaudible Male Voice
2:42:26 - Rumbling Sound, maybe stomping
2:54:16 - Thump
3:21:50 - A male voice saying "Hi" or "Fine". Difficult to hear.
3:23:53 - Siren heard from outside (frame of reference. You can hear the sounds of cars outside)
3:25:09 - It sounds like a hammer hitting an anvil. Difficult to hear.
3:26:29 - Yet another male voice
3:28:18 - Click or Door Rattle
3:30:00 - Wooden Knock like on the door.
3:31:12 - Not sure if it's a Female Voice saying "A Man", or if it's a snore or a sneeze.
3:59:19 - Dog Bark
4:07:48 - Female or Child voice? says "not sure bout you" or "not sure you can hear me".
4:09:12 - Inaudible Voices
4:09:39 - Whisper that says "Warning" or "Morning".
4:16:17 - LOUD female sigh. I can put this next to melissa's sigh which occurred at 4:31:06, and it's definitely not from the same location or even the same voice.
4:34:33 - Almost inaudible, you can hear a female singing like a doorbell "do-do".
4:40:56 - Another Knock sound
4:41:49 - Just before someone clears their throat, you can hear a child's voice say "you awake?"
4:44:23 - Another inaudible voice
4:45:37 - Barely audible voice says "get up"
4:48:17 - A voice says quickly "you set it" or "you said it".
4:58:10 - Child voice again, inaudible
4:59:12 - Child voice and then someone snores.
5:04:01 - "play now" or maybe a snore. Hard to tell.
5:06:08 - Knock
5:06:50 - 5:06:52 "... them all" or "send them home"
5:08:26 - Inaudible voice
5:09:25 - Child's voice "get off the bed"
5:09:28 - another voice (quieter) "get off the bed" *just 3 seconds later!!!
5:12:56 - Thump
5:14:02 - "You hear us?"
5:14:06 - "Either one?"
5:14:10 - Knocks
5:15:28 - whisper "what"
5:15:47 - more whispers
5:16:24 - "Now!"
5:16:31 - "Earthquake"
5:21:23 - A wooden sounding 'clack'
5:29:11 - "The Bed"
5:31:17 - A very quick and electrical sounding "warning"
5:33:04 - Two knocks
5:33:44 - A male voice
5:33:55 - "Mmm - Hmm"
5:40:39 - whisper "why"
5:58:50 - A male voice *sigh*
6:01:18 - A loud yell.
6:01:53 - Knock
6:19:37 - Female "get up" or a sigh
6:21:09 - Male voice somewhat inaudible
6:22:01 - ?
6:41:20 - Child voice singing
6:52:57 - Some talking - Child
6:53:59 - Odd noises (maybe snoring)
7:22:00 - Knocking. Almost like hard shoes on wood.
7:22:52 - Voice in the audio artifacting.
7:44:33 through 7:44:41 - A male voice is talking and says "I wish they hadn't...come here...story" (elipsis denote inaudible part)
7:54:02 through 7:54:10 - A male voice is talking and says "this ain't over with..."
7:59:00 - Female voice "You caught me there" or "you got me there"
7:59:22 - Female voice "...king back"

Let me qualify this:
Some voices might be us, but I was wearing a full face cpap mask while sleeping. If I did speak it would sound very muffled. I am able to eliminate many sounds of my wife by timing her snores and such, but a couple of the sounds I am reporting may be her voice. I will point out that I am reporting those voices where I can't tell who is making those sounds.

Since the only thing I am doing is performing equalization, any sound I hear is a result of the recorded audio and not part of some noise based processing. That being said, I am detecting some unusual audio artifacts. This is atypical of a normal recording. It is coming across as either high-frequency blips or low frequency drop outs. My hearing range isn't really great, but I do have a good musical ear, which helps in picking these things out.

It also becomes easier to hear voices after listening to the audio for several minutes. When something shows up in the audio it's easily picked up by the ears due to the fact that it's not the same droning sounds of the background. That being said, the audio still might not be audible for most people to hear, which is why I won't be placing a ton of clips out there for people to listen. I will in the near future post some of the more audible clips.

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