Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reiki: My first tesimonial!

Okay, so I have only been doing reiki for ummm... 2 days.

In that time, I've did a session on my wife and my sister in law. Those went pretty well.

Now I have a coworker who has had some serious medical issues, and I got to see first hand earlier this year how severe they were.

So yesterday, I had a brief e-mail conversation and decided to forgo doing reiki in person first and doing a remote healing just to get the process going. Basically anything I could do to help, I wanted to do.

So today, I took some time during my lunch break and did another reiki send and this is what she said in reply:

"I can’t believe it, I am able to move my arm back more than I have in the last several months—I can’t move it back all the way, and it is painful when I put my arm behind my back—but I couldn’t even move it back that far since I hurt it. I’ll let you know tomorrow, how it did throughout the day!"

The comment really warms my heart.

I hope that I will find the time soon to drive up to the office so I can do a reiki session for her.

I asked if I could quote her and she said, "Sure—maybe I’ll be able to give you an even better quote as time goes by. Again, thanks!"

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