Monday, May 10, 2010

Reiki: What I learned... in only 1 week.

Yes, it's only been a week out from taking a reiki class, and I have learned a lot. Some of which I didn't expect.

Here's some of the more poignant facts:

1) Healing energy transfer requires you to place at least one foot flat on the ground.

I thought this was just amazing, as it literally turns off the energy being emitted from the hands for me. I don't have a decent or respectable setup at home (which would require a couple hundred dollars), so I have people lie down on the big ottoman and have people put their feet up on the couch. As I said, it's not respectable. Anyway, when I get to people's lower extremities, it becomes hard to get into the most comfortable position for both the healer and the client. So there were times where my feet wouldn't be square on the ground and basically no energy being emitted from my hands. Placing at least one foot flat on the ground makes a huge difference. As a result, I think the best approach is to go shoeless. (I could be wrong on this, but it's not like I get a lot of feedback.)

2) Healing energy is not just healing, it's power.

It certainly assisted greatly during my workouts. I've gone up drastically with the weights I am using, the recovery rate is much faster and my trainer is rather surprised. I will see how I do in week 2.

3) People really don't know much about reiki.

I kept getting the look from people that they're deer caught in headlights when it comes to what reiki is. Honestly, I don't blame them. There's a lot out there that people just don't know about. Maybe it's a priority thing. Which brings me to...

4) A lot of the problems people have can be solved with reiki.

I am sure the person that doubts stuff like reiki or think it's some kind of religious mumbo-jumbo would dismiss the idea based on their thoughts alone. That's really kind of sad, because that's exactly what reiki will help with. It's like those little addictions and little habits that are just bad for you and you can't figure out how to get rid of them are just eating away at you like a parasite and you don't even know it's there. It's because it makes you numb.

That's not it exactly, but I am just trying to give an example to relate to.

To point, the entire world is basically energy. Whether it is from the atoms within your body making it appear solid or the spaces inbetween where the energy just flows freely. Reiki is a directed energy given by the creator/God/whoever you attribute. It's a gift. It doesn't come from a healer, they just pass it along as if they are an antenna or a vessel. As long as the energy within the body flows correctly, the body is able to heal itself.

I've always considered that when it comes to any problem, the matter must be fixed. You can't just throw random solutions at a problem and expect them to work. Maybe sometimes they do, but usually they don't. You can't throw money at a financial problem until you resolve the source of the problem first. You can't heal a sick body unless you know what's wrong with it.

A quote:
Blaise Pascal – The Penses
"What is it then that this desire and this inability proclaim to us, but that there was once in man a true happiness of which there now remain to him only the mark and empty trace, which he in vain tries to fill from all his surroundings, seeking from things absent the help he does not obtain in things present? But these are all inadequate, because the infinite abyss can only be filled by an infinite and immutable object, that is to say, only by God Himself."

While a christian standpoint will say that the hole can only be fulfilled with faith and religion with christ, I sit here and know that even in that regard, there may still be something that faith alone did not fix.

The worst part of it all, is I didn't know that it was a problem or that it could be fixed.

Take drinking soda as an example. I used to need it pretty much on a daily basis. Anyway, I have pretty much kicked it. I still slip occasionally (once in a week, not too bad) in a restaurant, but I found that a problem was fixed during a reiki healing session (apparently my heart chakra was completely closed making me a perfect candidate for "what to do") and the next thing I know I am overall happier and I have very little cravings for stuff that's bad for me.

When you ask a reiki practitioner if something can be healed by reiki, the answer and pretty much a consistent one is "it couldn't hurt". That's pretty much what you should expect. At the very least, you are relaxed, at the most, you get a surprise in that something you thought was impossible to have healed ends up melting away. For me, it was a decade/15 year long pain and numbness in my leg.

And just like a doctor's oath, reiki will "do no harm".

5) Patience - For God is not finished with me yet.

To me, this whole thing with reiki is just another step on a process. I would say that I've personally have chosen the process, but instead I have chosen to follow where I am led on this process. Where that leads me from day to day, I don't know. I haven't lost the faith I have and I haven't changed my understanding of the universe or how it all works. However, I have learned some things along the way, and experience some of the more diverse selections life has to offer.

This whole thing is not over anytime soon, that's for sure.

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