Monday, May 3, 2010

Reiki: Start Healing

Rei-ki. By definition it means "conscious god energy".

I just took my first steps in learning about the proper techniques and allowing myself to allow this conscious energy to flow.

(I must learn as a child and see every situation as new.)

The whole thing behind this is that for a long time I have been trying to figure out why my hands are so warm. The phrase "cold hands/warm heart" was kind of an insult. It basically says to me, that I have no love to give or compassion. Basically, it makes me feel like I am some kind of megalomaniac dictator. Basically Hitler.

On a random web search I came across a story involving a princess Martha Louise of Norway, which said that her "unusually warm hands" were a result of her naturally being able to transmit reiki energy.

I have unusually warm hands. Well that was before the class, but I am getting ahead of myself.

So, in my usual fashion, I trust myself to the winds of fate. Literally. If the winds say to go here, I go here. If they say go there, I go there. I should note that I interchange "winds of fate" with "will of god". To me they're just words describing the same process. You can pretty much use whichever one suits you best, in my opinion.

It was after that where I had finally put down verbally what I was looking for in a job. I was working downtown and didn't like the commute. Being subject to those "winds", we found that new work opportunity very close to home.

A couple of years working there, "will" moved again, and the company relocated to wheeling. It would be a longer commute, if I worked in the office, but as fate willed, I found that working from home was immensely more efficient.

In that transition, new team members came on and in that late summer early fall, I had a rather unique conversation with one of my coworkers. The whole subject was about ghosts, as during the early summer me and my wife spent a very interesting two nights at the infamously haunted lemp mansion. (totally worth it, if you can respect the ghosts there) In that conversation, I learned about someone from bolingbrook (same town I am in) that does ghost hunting.

(Intrigued indeed!)

It was later in the fall around october and I thought I would be able to meet this person and talk at an octoberfest party. Well, they didn't really show, and I wasn't really comfortable there with all of the people I really didn't know. Mostly I felt like I do a lot of the time... I don't know if I totally belong.

So fast forward, I finally learn about the ghost hunter(cindi muntz) and find out that she's a reiki teacher.

To me, it's not just about learning reiki, it was to learn to do it right. I needed the pure stuff, basically as original as it can get. I didn't want to be muddied down by someone's idea of how it works for them or anything like that. So basically I needed to learn Usui reiki.

So, I figured the next time I saw a usui reiki class, that would be the one I would take. Guess whose class came up first.

Coincidence! No, not really. I gave up on coincidence long ago. There's really no such thing, unless you mean the word literally as akin to synchronicity.

So I signed up. I know I had the reiki energy flowing in me... well, kinda. But I wanted so badly to do it right. I had prepared myself well before hand.

I took the whole day before as a fast. I had water and some flavored water as the only things I had during the day. I had prepared a notebook and chose one of my favorite pens to write with. I even had a recorder in case I missed something. I was so ready to learn.

Except that the recorder was a major faux-paus! I was quite amiss. I felt like I have insulted my teacher and all of teachers before her. There is no apology that would express how I feel about this. It was a mistake on my part and in my eagerness, I took a wrong turn. *sigh* :(

The entire class was an enjoyable one. The whole reason it works is due to the fact that the body is literally energy. You think about the size of the molecules in an atom and realize that with as much space as in an atom, that it is what makes our bodies feel solid. Again, it's literally energy.

So you could apply science about the particle flow of energy or the wave formations of energy, but it really comes down to some simple concepts. Those being auras, chakras and meridians.

Meridians is basically what acupuncture works with. It's an interconnected system within the body. It's not really required to do reiki, but there were a couple of points that help people relax. We learned two of them.

And no I am not telling you the specifics. Attend a reiki class yourself!

Auras are basically the emission of energy from the body. I've been able to see this for a long time, but to me, it's a literal force field around the body. If you want to know what it feels like, find someone that you don't know that well and stand close to them... then closer... and even closer. That uncomfortable feeling is the other person's aura. Some people call it "personal space", but whatever you call it, it is an extension of yourself. You may not see it, but that doesn't mean that it's not there.

Finally Chakras. These are energy points along the brain/spinal cord path of the body. It starts at the top of the head and ends at the tip of your tail bone. I heard once that doctors that deal with MRI's know about these and have seen them on MRI scans, but I have heard the exact opposite too. Take faith on that one, I guess. As energy/spirit/soul/whatever you call it, moves through the body it does so via these junctures. A problem with these locations may and usually do translate literally to an illness or an emotional distress.

The whole point of reiki is to clear out the junk in the energy system and allow the natural power of healing from god to do its job properly. It can produce anything from a simple de-stress to a healing of a chronic injury. When it's done (properly), the "client" for lack of a better word, is left feeling great.

There's a bit of weirdness to it where symbols are used and while I won't go into that very much, I just want people to know that when those symbols were encoded on my soul (again for lack of a better word) that they have been speaking, reciting and singing their songs to me. These are "sacred", but in another way very personal. I suspect everyone in the class sees the symbols differently due to the experience.

Speaking of the encoding/attunement, when was the last time you meditated for an hour? Well, 45 minutes, and hour. Either way, I meditated for that long. It's not really prayer at that time, as it actually comes later. No, seriously. Prayer is important too. You can't really wind down by watching tv, although some people try. The real issue is that you have to wind down, and the best way I know is to meditate and let the chattering thoughts go away. They do eventually. It take a bit of work at first, but you'll find yourself one day just sitting in a chair outside, letting the world pass on by. And you'll be fine with that.

The main part of reiki to the everyday person is done by scanning and then healing touch. Even before I took the class, I scanned people. I was totally able to tell where a person had pain, because you could feel it in their auric energy field. It could be a thickness, a hole or even a bump.

At one point, I could even feel tendrils. This is unusual and is really not part of reiki, but when I felt tendrils, my thoughts were to pull them out. I don't even begin to even know what healing tradition that comes from. Maybe it doesn't exist? No, I could never be that.

So I learned how to scan properly. That doesn't mean I did it right the first couple of times, but hey! I am trying my best!

Next came the healing hands. I know I was doing this wrong, because I was trying to push energy through. Yeah, totally wrong. It's all a matter of hands on and letting it flow naturally. And when it's done, it shuts off. Totally shuts off on its own! That was really weird to me.

Anyway, I had my turn as the group did a healing on one person at a time. Apparently my heart chakra was blocked. I wasn't really sure, I was relaxed and turned into this "guinea pig" for the class. Anyway, it was opened.

For those that know anything about the heart chakra, you must realize I have been in a semi-emotional state since that point. There's probably something else that I need to work through in order to keep the block from closing again.

There was a time around a 8-9 years ago where I was on depression medication for pretty much no reason. I am not even sure I could say why.

Now because of the blockage and the result of the class, I can heal myself through healing others. It's something that I want to do.

I feel that the unusually warm hands that I have been given are a gift from which I can share. I can only hope that by sharing I can help others. I alone don't want to change the world for the better, but if I can play a part, then I want to help.

I think that's my new mantra: I just want to help.

My training went to level 2, and that is fine until the master training later this summer. It gives me ample opportunity to practice. And you can believe me, that I want to be good at it. I want to be insanely good, but there's only one problem.

I can guarantee nothing. I can't promise the perfect solution. All I can do is give you a gift of healing. It comes from god and that is all.

On a final note, after I got the "supercharge"/attunements, my hands are even warmer than before... and a touch sweaty.

How do you clean sweat off a keyboard?

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