Monday, April 4, 2011

First time out as part of a ghost hunting group.

Disclaimer: If you don't buy into the idea of spirit guides, friendly spirits, past lives or psychic mediumship, you really should not read this.

Disclaimer 2: I'm also just going to talk about what I sensed and some of the events. If you want to experience the place, then you should go... that is if you can. The bar is noisy and the warm months are not going to make it any more beneficial to keep holding tours of the place. It's a pity, because it's so unusual.

Now that I've warned ya.

So it's not an official investigation. If it were, you wouldn't be reading this. I am pretty good with understanding privacy and stuff like that, and as part of this "well-oiled machine" that is the ghost hunting group R.I.P. Midwest, I know the reasons why and can appreciate the levels they have gone to ensure privacy and quality are maintained.

This was not the case.

The group went on a little ghost hunting excursion as provided by the resident expert on the location which happened to be an Irish pub. It's a prohibition era speakeasy/pub that was a known hideout for Al Capone. It also backs up to a forest preserve which also was a Native American meeting place. In addition to all of that, it also sits along one of the leylines in North America.

So it's got 3 things already against it. Think it might be haunted?

When I entered, I had two things just hit me right off the bat. The first was something trying to get my attention. This usually has led me to believe that it's a spirit guide pointing out something. I know this because it feels like something is hanging on my left ear. At one time in my life it got so annoying, that I thought it was my hair touching my ear, so I had a buzz cut... and IT DIDN'T GO AWAY.

The second thing was I had a crazy headache. I didn't have one all day/week/month. So having it hit as I entered the place was a bit bracing. I feel that it wasn't revealing anything so I did my best to let both things pass. It did make it at times hard to concentrate, but it did not detract at all from the more profound experiences.

The whole event begins with a dinner at the pub. Typical irish food fare. I didn't think it was way too outstanding food-wise. It only makes me crave ballydoyle's (downtown downer's grove) corned beef bites. Once we ordered the food, the guy hosting the event, Ed Shanahan, gave us palm readings.

I know a bit about palm reading, Life line, heart line, past and present. He was telling me a lot of stuff that I already know. I think I know myself pretty good. There were two things that surprised me. First is that I don't have a lot of stress. I'm either not handling any stress well, or I am handling it better than most, because I've been pretty stressed. The other thing was that I am what is called an "old soul". I would explain why it's surprising, but I guess I am not all that surprised, and the explanation doesn't benefit this conversation.

We finally finished and went on a tour of the place. We started in the basement. Now I could say that not a lot happened here, but I had this pulling of my pant leg as though it was caught on something. In hindsight, I probably should have mentioned something.

We saw the crawlspace under the pub which was eerie and creepy as it got. I know when I approached the opening that I was informed mentally to "get back". We got some stories and stuff as we progressed in the basement area, and we got to a spot where Ed was talking about these underground tunnels and such, an I am just standing on this spot. Just standing there. As I stepped away, I was informed that it's an unusual spot where I was standing and it is possible that someone may have been buried there.

We then went up to the 2nd floor. While going up the stairs in the place it really is unnerving. I felt like I was going to fall down as I was going up. Once inside we go room by room through the floor (well almost. The owner lives there, and a room or two is considered "off limits").

The first room we were shown had a medical feel to it, and the closet therein had a eerie feel to it. I got another "back off" message in there. Apparently it was where abortions occurred. We saw a couple of other rooms, one of which was supposed to contain a boy. I went in there and looked around and just as I was leaving, I felt like I should stop. "A" (name withheld just because I can) asked me what I was sensing in the room. Obviously I was sensing something. I just couldn't isolate it. I was getting two people, no 3, no 2, no 3, no 2, no 3 and so on and so forth. I really couldn't give an answer.

The story in that room is that there are two ghosts there. One is a mother, and the other one is a little boy. A 3rd ghost which occasionally shows up is a little girl that haunts a location down the road. Hmmm.

We progressed further down the floor, room by room until we got to the "meeting room". Opposite one side of the room is a door that leads to the stairwell. When he opened the door it was like a burst of energy ran through the room. The energy coming from the area was off. When looking at the stairs we could see that they aren't exactly the most level. You could really feel that in taking a couple of steps.

In that same room (I am skipping a lot of stuff because it's just back and forth walking) one of the other group members said that she was talking to a female spirit. I held out my dowsing rods and tried to hold a conversation as well.

I ended up talking to that ghost more than once. The second time, I did offer some of my energy and held out my hands in the hope that I would feel something. This turned out to be much more than I expected.

We then went up to the third floor/attic. A lot of weird energy up there as well as some rickety boards. I was on the far side of the room at one point absolutely certain there was something there. I was using the dowsing rods and from behind me comes A. A's in a full blown trance channel and walking like an old man.

A's looking out the window and walking around and then gets face to face with someone else from the group. Some questions were asked and some details were given. After that she went over to another member of the group who happened to be pregnant and basically sized up her head.

And then A stared right at me. I wasn't sure what was going on because it's the first time I had ever seen it. I couldn't be sure if I should run, confront or just stand there and pee my pants. So I just stood there... and stared back. The energy of the unexpected moment crawled up my legs and into my back and had I known what that energy was, the whole thing might have ended a lot more differently than it did.

A ended up coming out of the trance right in front of me, right near some stacked mattresses. Almost completely crumbled on the floor but was helped by some of the members who knew what was going on.

Soon after that we had a chance to explore on our own, and so I had a chance to try to see if a ghost would move some stuff. So, we had some toy letter blocks on us and so we put them on the floor in hopes that the ghost boy would play with them.

It never did.

It was then time for the seance. Honestly I wasn't really looking to be a part of the seance. I didn't really have a need to communicate with anyone who has passed. So I put the name of my grandpa and just let it go at that. I figured I wasn't that close to him, so I probably wouldn't get picked.

I was wrong, I got picked 3rd. That's a number that shows up a lot in my life.

So one by one people came up as the names got picked. I felt sad for my wife as I hoped that she would have communicated with her loved ones, as they meant more to her than mine did to me. She ended up not being included in the group, but was there on the sidelines to watch.

So the seance begins. Ed is bringing in the spirits from the place and allowed A to just say whatever came forward. Then I felt something. It felt like cobwebs on my face and playing with my facial hair. It was almost static like in sensation. A couple of people said they saw a woman standing behind me. A was going on about how the gentleman was so kind to her, and then a rush started to flow into me.

It's like every fiber inside of me tingled in a euphoric manner. It was a whole new experience and I had it going on full blast! Eventually the sensation subsided, but I don't know what that was. Did I get a hug from a ghost? Or did I get very close to channeling this ghost? I'm going to have to go to the recorder later to see.

If anything blew my mind before that point, it was nothing compared to how blown my mind is now!

There were some other little things that came through in the seance, but nothing on that scale. Also A asked who is "...". That was my grandma. Grandpa was having her come through instead. That was confirmation to me that they were there.

There was some more stuff with tingling around the legs, but someone said that there was a cat. (not really a cat, but probably a ghost one.) It was on my lap and around my legs.

So the seance ended. Most there did experience some connection, but didn't necessarily experience anything outstanding. I feel for them. I want them to be the ones who had the overwhelming experience.

Note: in talking with others, they were not impressed at the way it played out. I don't personally choose to remember the exact details, mainly because I was in a meditative state (my own little world) for most of the seance anyway. Good seance or bad one, I have no frame of reference to go by yet.

We then got a break and got a little caffeine break before going outside into the woods.

After what had happened in the seance, you'll excuse me if I say that it was very much a non-event after that.

I am very appreciative of what I am given. I want to thank Ed and his group for what they did. I want to thank my new "family"/teammates who were there to share in my experience. I want to thank the spirits who were there and interacted with me. And finally I have to thank my wife for coming with me. I know this isn't near her interests, but I was happy to have her with me.

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