I read a lot. I read a lot of different things. Mainly I like to look at religion. In religion you have a person that believes beyond the shadow of a doubt that their belief is correct and everyone else who doesn't believe that is wrong.
I don't know about you, but I find that a bit disturbing. Why is one group correct and the other group wrong, while at the same time, the inverse is assumed to be true.
This is an strange dichotomy that is only exacerbated by what I can only attribute to religious fervor and the controlling nature of man.
As humans, we try to control our lives more and more. We domesticate horses so we can get from place to place more easily. We build cars so we can get there faster. We build roads that help our vehicles traverse the distance more easily. And then we toll roads just because we want to filter who goes on them and take that money and apply that to something else we want to control.
It's a vicious cycle. Well, religion exhibits some of those same aspects of control. I could go on and on about how we're told we have to do this and we have to do that, but it all is a system of controls.
And that really has nothing to do with the nature of the soul!
I paraphrase as C.S. Lewis once said that 'We don't have a soul. We are a soul. What we have is a body." Our true nature, all of humanity and even beyond that is a composition of a soul residing within a body.
The soul is an energy based being and radiates the energy outside of the body in an egg-like shape.
I can prove it. It takes two people. Preferably two people who are not very familiar with each other. Stand about 6 feet apart and wait a minute. Take a step forward and wait another minute. Repeat this process until you are less than a foot apart. At some point along the way, there is a discomfort. It is strong enough that you just feel too close and stay there until it's absolutely impossible to stay that close.
When two energies get close enough they begin to interact with each other. It's like playing with magnets. Sometimes they pull closer to each other and sometimes they push away from each other. That's a very rough idea of what's going on.
The soul is part of what some people call the global consciousness, but can also be part of what is called the collective unconsciousness. I guess the difference here is whether you see yourself as part of the whole of humanity or see yourself as original as a snowflake in relation to everyone else.
The dream state is usually an untapped resource in confirming that this is that case, mainly because most people do not choose or just plain can't remember their dreams. For those that have taken the effort to remember, they report stuff like visitations by deceased relatives and even traveling to exotic and impossible locations.
It only leads to the obvious question: What are souls doing and why are they here?
The book "Conversations with God" goes into really good detail about what's going on, but to put it rather simply. Souls are here to experience what they already know. They select what kind of experience they are looking for and the conditions that will assist with their experiencing. Souls experience life.
If the soul is an immortal energy that is accessing all of the possible knowledge that's ever known, then the only thing a soul would do is to break from the monotony of an existence of only knowledge or of everything accessible. The true reasoning is simply variety.
If you take a food that you just swoon over, but just don't get very often, then imagine an existence where the food is always available. That's all you eat. The novelty of the item loses its special nature for you and becomes as if it was water.
Where souls reside (call it heaven if you want) everything is available, but because of it, it's all meaningless. You want to ask god something, he's standing right there. So in simpler terms, souls are like kids at the amusement park. They want to go again.
That's where the whole reincarnation thing comes from. I'll admit that up until a couple of years ago, I didn't buy into it. It's like I want to say that everyone has the same opportunity and it's just a matter of growing up that makes one person a famous actor and another person a fireman.
But that can't be true. Singers are what they are because they can actually sing. And they do it really well! It's similar with other aspects of life. Some people are computer geniuses, while others can cook and others are pilots.
Desire, aptitude, ability and drive are all important factors that can decide between a politician and a policeman. It's kind of like setting up a character for a role playing game. He's stronger or more agile, or even more intelligent, but never exactly all maxed out. It's not really a matter of genetics!
Then again, the body is not that much different. Not everyone can play center for the NBA or be an olympic runner. It's a plain fact.
Besides, are those the aspects of life that seem the most interesting? Take your drama shows for example. They're not very interesting when it's just all happy good-times storytelling. The best drama is hardship, depression, anger, frustration, sadness, despair, torment, etc. Need I go on?
I've often said that nothing worth doing is ever easy. I think part of that has to do with a level of satisfaction that would just not be there if everything was easy.
Now that it is obvious that souls come back to experience, if you consider that some souls have been back more than others, then you must know that the experience of a soul that has been here more than other souls, that they are looking for a much different experience.
I would expect a "young" soul to choose either the hardest or easiest aspects of life. An "old" soul might be more tempered in this regard, choosing a more sublime existence, which may not be as simple in its extremes, but can possibly be a more difficult existence.
I may be completely wrong on that, but I can't possibly imagine a soul that's been around many, many times to be interested in experiencing the most basic of existences.
My subtle perceptions up to this point has been in support of such a reality. I would go into detail, but people need to look into their own lives and see these aspects for themselves.
I wouldn't expect that someone could approach this suddenly. It would only be after years upon years of looking at oddities in their own life and comparing them to the aspects and abilities that they currently have, that they could notice that something just isn't quite right.
And when you find those aspects, then at least you know where it all came from... yourself. Because that's what the nature of the soul is. It's you.
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