Just recently I did what some people would seem unthinkable. I joined a ghost hunting group.
The group is R.I.P. Midwest and is the group based out of the same town I live in... Bolingbrook.
The group is just one of the many, many groups in the Chicagoland area, but this one is quite different. First of all, it's led by a medium/shaman. Secondly, the team is geared to resolution in just as much regard as it is to investigating.
The part that appealed to me most about the group has to be the dedication to resolution. I find that most teams have a "deal with it" approach to haunting. I find that even mentioning it, seems rather callous. I may be misunderstanding something or even misunderstood myself, but people aren't calling ghost hunting groups because they have a cold spot in their house. If anything they are more likely to be at their last desperate act when they call a ghost hunting group.
So I think it is important at this point to give my perspective on why I joined a group. To me it is not as much proof that ghosts exists. I've been to haunted spots. While I haven't seen a full body or saw something move unexpectedly or even see a shadow, I do sense something...
Now the "something" is what is driving me. I can't explain how it feels, because there is NO frame of reference. I could tell you what tingling on the face is like, because I've been there. I know what chills feel like. I even know what a full blown fever feels like.
I know that I don't have a clue as to why I feel what I do when I do feel it. I've had a sensation that was like half of your head just goes tingly drunk suddenly. It first happened when I was in college, studying the bible. I may have mentioned it before. Anyway, it's the driver of all of it.
If anyone knows what that was in my dorm room, then by all means let me know! I want to define what that was, whether that be a ghost, angel or whatever.
The only way I can get an answer is just to keep trying to find it again and again and isolate the source of the phenomena.
Now, I have taken to heart some of my training over the years in customer service and my Reiki training to approach the whole thing with a sense of respect and gentleness. This makes me want to say that I am not really interested in being a ghost hunter, but rather a ghost ambassador. I want to resemble the better part of humanity when it comes to ghosts.
I'll let you know how that turns out.
I do think that the process of life that led me to this spot has been rather pointed. I know many will talk about how we have free will, but when I look at it, I sense that either I do it and move forward, or I don't. So, it frustrates me.
I am however at a reserve about the whole medium thing. Most of it is from my upbringing, but some of it is in dealing with a somewhat unseen world.
I do say "unseen" because we have learned to turn our eyes away from things we don't want to see or don't care to see. That doesn't mean that such things do not exist.
The reason I hold that reserve is the same reason I have the driving force I do. The reason is that I can't easily explain it. It gnaws at all of the logical skills and scientific approaches I have learned and my compulsion to solve things (as being a guy, I guess that's expected) and makes me want to know why, how and what just to name a few.
I expect the ride that I have undertaken will be a wild one. I expect that I will learn more than I have anticipated. I also expect to learn mostly about myself.
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