Last night as we were laying in bed about to turn the lights out, I swear that out of the corner of my eye, that there was a little girl standing by the bedroom door and holding on to the doorknob as if just playfully hiding behind the door.
Anyway, as soon as I said there was a little girl in the room, my wife melissa started describing the girl... accurately!
Anyway, the girl's description is that she was small like a 4 or 5 year old. Had long hair that was put into either a pony tail or pigtails (can't remember exactly). The most prominent feature was her dress. It was a older style dress white and red plaid all over it. It had a cute little white apron like look to the front. The sleeves were puffy as well.
We don't know who she was, so I asked my spirit guide/angel/ringing sound in my ears, the following questions.
Is she a family member?
Is she a family member that's passed away.
Is she a family member that's yet to be born?
Just to reiterate, I "talk" with this "guide" through ringing in my ears. Sometimes, I don't hear anything at all, while other times it's a certain ringing in the ear. It's similar to tinnitus, but it's intelligent. I worked out that since the ringing is mostly in my left ear that a ring in that ear is a yes, and a ring in my right ear is a no.
And it seems like there is a concerted effort to say no, as something appears to move through my vision prior to a "no" ringing.
Anyway, now you know as much as we figured out. Pretty creepy, huh?
Anyway, about the guide/angel/whatever, he (seems like a man) seems fairly content to just provide information on an as-needed basis. Which either means that he's some kind of supervisor making sure I don't screw up, he's supposed to be helpful and I am not getting all of the necessary information, or he's got some kind of intent which hasn't manifest at this point.
I think the latter is completely untrue. Lots of ringing in the right ear when I mention that.
I don't think malevolence is intended, but when I am just not getting the message, the intensity goes up in my left ear to the point where I will receive a headache. And when i finally figure out what he's getting at, it immediately goes away.
When I think about the ear ringing (which I only figured out a month ago), I can go all the way back to grade school when the ringing was manifesting.
What happened, is that during the ear tests, I would get this ringing sound that would obscure the beeps coming through the headphones. It would cause me to not do well during the test. Sometimes the ringing would stop and I would be fully able to hear the beeps.
Those that know me, can attest that I listen to music differently. I can pick out the different instruments much more easily. However, words are a problem. To me lyrics in a song are like conversations at a crowded party. I can't really make them out very well.
Maybe that's why all of the communication with the "guide" is in these ringing tones?
(edit 6/21/10) just watching an episode of red dwarf (season 5, episode 4: Quarantine), they mentioned that the kind of dress we saw was a "gingham" dress. Gingham is a type of fabric made from two colors of thread creating a crosshatch/checkerboard pattern on the cloth. The introduction of the cloth was in the 17th century and is still used today.
I didn't know about the gingham dress.
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