Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Way overtired.

Lately I have found myself not getting enough sleep. So today I am probably about as tired as I could possibly be.

Not even caffeine in a souped up energy drink is helping.

I confess, I do like the occasional energy drink, but it's not something that I have often. I like the sensation of messing up my internal vibration.

I know caffeine has the ability to increase heart rate and blood flow, but it's not comprehensive, so in the overall run, it's not really that effective for long term awake-ness.

Lately it's just a matter of not going to bed in good enough time. That's just bad planning on some regard. Anyway, at least it is not attributable to the inaudible voices in the night.

On the other hand, I get the impression lately that the earplugs aren't as effective in keeping out the inaudible voices. In this excessively tired state I am still waken up at odd periods throughout the night.

As I write, I am currently reading the book of isaiah. I suppose if it's God speaking to me, there's not a whole lot I can do about it. Who wants to be the one that tells God to stop talking?

I sure don't want to. What if what you're supposed to hear is important? Anyway, at this point, thinking about it makes me even more tired than I already am.

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