Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tolerate this!

I would say I have a pretty open mind. By that, I can say that as someone who grew up as an evangelical christian, that I have no problem with someone who decides to follow some other religion or tradition.

My problem is this. These people have chosen their way of life, it shows a lack of respect to the individual to say that they are or are not living life in the way one person would perceive as correct.

Basically a fundamentalist behavior is that if someone doesn't believe what the fundamentalist believes then they are relegated to some punishment as part of the fundamentalist's belief. Whether that is "the eternal damnation of hell" or as the target of a suicide bomber's jihad. While we perceive these to be true from within our faiths, we are subject to the more serious problem of coexistence. The behavior is one of exclusion. We would rather choose to condemn and reject rather than embrace and fellowship.

To me, this denotes the major problem within the world today.

I have found that no matter the person, no matter their beliefs, no matter what color, nationality, linguistic skills or even gender, that the person is potentially someone who you can benefit learning from.

However, if you can't see that, then there may not be help for you. I mean, why would someone who claims a singular exclusivity on heaven want to commune with others? By separation on earth that means communion with humanity in heaven!?! To me that's a paradox.

I mean, if you have so much of a problem with other people here and now, why would you think you'll get along with them better when you're dead?

Assuming that even if there is a singly true faith and that only those enter heaven, the one thing intolerance does is show that despite the devotion and piety, the reflection of one's soul fails completely to show the compassion and happiness within.

And to that, I say it must be stopped. It can't start with me, I don't have the problem. I am completely tolerant and pleased with the people that do not agree with me. I only attempt to assist if someone has a issue with resolving their beliefs. You gotta believe in something.

No, really. You HAVE to BELIEVE in SOMETHING!!!

And when you're done figuring it out, tell someone. Tell me, if you want. I like a good story. Or a bad one. I've read a few of those as well.

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