Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Now for something I know I really like.

I'm paraphrasing Rocky and Bullwinkle there.

Of all the stuff I've watched, a couple of shows stand out as the ones that I think are fun to watch and are the ones I turn to time and time again.

Torchwood - As I am typing this, I have an episode of torchwood playing in another window right next to this one. I like this show more than Dr. Who even though they were run by the same guy for the past couple of years. It moves fast and usually involves one of those twists and turns that you'd expect from an M. Knight Shamalayan film. The theme music to the show is pretty cool too.

Fringe/X-Files/Millennium - To me it is the "let's try to figure it out" mindset that these shows sit upon. They're fun, especially when I think they got it right. Of the 3 fringe is probably the most impressive, while yet it is the most singly focused. Fringe's focus is science. X-files was the paranormal. Millennium was the dark side of humanity.

Farscape - I just started watching this and I am overall impressed with a show that flows well from episode to episode. A sci-fi show in the vein of startrek and babylon 5, it's all from the perspective of the human character on the show. Basically it's US on a journey. I think that's what people want in a good story.

Babylon 5 - In it's 5 year run, it's not a series of stories. From the beginning it all flows into a single story and ends with year 5 completing the story. I guess I am not surprised they tried to continue the story after that, but if you ignore them, the simple 5 year run is about as good as you can get.

Futurama - I can't get enough of this show. I can watch the same episodes over and over and over. Of all of the cartoon shows created, this one combines whimsy with the ability to not insult your intelligence. At some point in the show each character shines. For example, volume 3 is the best zoidberg episodes, with the exception of the one that actually features the crazy lobster.

Honorable Mention:
House - I was really enjoying this show until it started to get a little stale. It used to be mostly about a sardonic genius figuring out medical mysteries. Basically a medical version of sherlock holmes. (holmes, house, get it?) Anyway, the show has slowly moved toward the main characters instead of the patients. The way the show seems to be heading, they might not be in a hospital at some point. I still watch it, but I am slowly becoming less and less interested.

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